Friday, December 31, 2021

Friday Stuff (updates)

Hey, The Dark Knight gets it right; we should too...

Update 1/1/22: At a certain point, there are just no more damn words (here, and here...and here).

...and speaking of movies, I thought I'd add this "TCM Remembers" clip for the prior year...

...and returning to more standard fare for this site, Chris Hayes tells us how our corporate media is feeding into the “true crime” narrative, especially in the wingnutosphere (it’s almost funny to watch the preposterous lies of Bill Hemmer about “defund the police” in “Democrat-run cities,” who of course collects a paycheck for The Roger Ailes BS Factory...and yeah, the “new king of late night,” as Bill Maher calls Gutfeld, whiffs again when it comes to commenting on verifiable truth and reality...with Amanda Mull, Donna Edwards and Tim Miller...once again, the task falls upon people with an ounce of common sense to unpackage right wing BS and try to communicate what is really going on...not sure why the video was edited to not include Edwards)...

...and this Rebel HQ clip tells us about a 14-year-old girl who was accidentally killed by cops in an LA mall while shopping with her mom (and gee, I wonder if right-wing hysteria revved up people to be extra scared? Do you even need to ask...with David Shuster...and by the way, as awful as it is that the girl was killed, I’ll wait for a further review before I decide to pass judgment on the cops; I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that they thought the perp was armed, and if they’d waited to find that out, they might be dead by now)...

...and this More Perfect Union clip tells us that 2021 was, in essence, the “year of the worker”...

...and as is my custom, I want to take this opportunity to thank anyone and everyone who has spent any time whatsoever at this site over the prior year.

To say I am greatly concerned as we close out 2021 is an understatement, as I’m sure you are also. Our side continues to try and preserve this country as best we can (posting on social media, speaking out, organizing, doing all manner of related stuff including contributing financially to Democratic organizations as our means allows) while the other side in the political spectrum becomes more and more engulfed by utter madness. This isn’t helped by a national Democratic political party that continues to deliver half to three-quarters of a loaf at best, you might say (and yes, I know President Manchin and Vice President Sinema have a lot to do with that). And this also isn’t helped by our corporate media which continues to give cover, for the most part, to those seeking to overthrow our democracy, as well as way too damn many people in this country who don’t see the threat as it readies itself to try and barge down the metaphorical door once again, having failed on 1/6 and learning what went wrong as they get ready to make another attempt to seize power by force.

And oh yeah, Democrats, PLEASE DO A BETTER JOB ON MESSAGING AND USING SOCIAL MEDIA THAN YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW! (Update 1/1/22: Credit where it's due here) The DNC should be cranking out videos all over the place at year-end like this showing the benefits of passing COVID relief and the infrastructure bill (as well as the John Lewis voting bill in the House) in an effort to try and seize the narrative away from the “party of Lincoln,” who of course are going to try and gin up outrage over alleged “big spending, failed policies” (I’ve been looking for this stuff and so far I can’t find it). And yeah, the Dems will have no choice but to keep up this message about why CRT is a total non-issue, as well as sticking to their guns on COVID masking and vaccination. GO ON THE ATTACK FOR A DAMN CHANGE, OK??!! (Update 1/1/22: More food for thought on this is here, here, and here.)

Well, with all of that out of the way (and with the More Perfect Union clip very much in mind), I present this tune also to commemorate the 75th birthday of Patti’s for all good things in 2022.

Update: And because 2021 wasn't done messing with us - ugh (more here and here).

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