Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

I thought this was a pretty good clip with Ayman Mohyeldin (sitting in for Rachel Maddow) and Jon Ralston on former Dem Senate Leader Harry Reid, who passed away yesterday, though I think they overdid it a bit on the “Harry Reid blew up the filibuster” thing...maybe they could have presented evidence that Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao filibustered EVERYTHING, and that’s why Reid made that move, which McConnell and Mango Mussolini exploited of course to get a whole bunch of wingnut judges confirmed – more on Reid including that great Jack Gordon story is here...

Update 1: Yes, Reid was a hardass, but he was also capable of the kindness remembered here.

Update 2: Here is another tribute (here, here and here also).

...and Cenk (looking much younger) gives us an example of Reid fighting back against Republicans being typically disingenuous in 2010 on criticizing Obama and the Senate Dems for trying to pass health care reform through reconciliation...

...and returning to someone who is a much lesser light, if you will, when it comes to the legislative branch of our federal government, David Pakman tells us about Madison (“Cry More, Lib”) Cawthorn and that whole sketchy story of how Cawthorn met his now-ex-wife, which, apparently, reeks of some kind of Russian “kompromat” scheme – yeah, I don’t know of any “cause and effect” issues here, but at a minimum, Cawthorn should have a briefing with intelligence operatives over this...

...and this Damage Report segment tells us about 2 cops in Mobile, AL (of course) showing off their “homeless quilt”...nice Christmas spirit, you two assholes (the statement condemning their actions from the police department is OK I guess, but yeah, are these two going to be disciplined somehow? Probably not)...

...and staying below that Mason-Dixon line, this Now This clip tells us about librarians fighting back against book bans, and of course the epicenter for this appears to be Texas, though attacking librarians like this is happening all over the country apparently – just about no words for this at this point...

...and RIP Wanda Young of The Marvelettes, with her signature tune.

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