Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Tuesday Stuff

(Pic is from the film Seven Days in May.)

David Pakman tells us about retired military generals warning about a 2024 coup attempt, which is admittedly a longshot possibility, but not something we should ignore (keep an eye on Mike Pompeo and Tom Cotton, both of whom have military ties...never heard of the transition integrity project until now)...

...and with the upcoming 1/6 anniversary in mind, Beau reminds us of a little tidbit of sorts in a Newsweek article indicating that, had any of those insurrectionist lunatics breached any congressional chambers with Congress or Mike Pence inside...well, let’s just say there would have been a hell of a lot more Ashli Babbitts, if you know what I mean...

...and it didn’t take long for David Doel to find an instance of some truly insipid wingnut media idiocy for 2022...somebody named David Brody on an alleged Christian news network blames BLM for a snowstorm – just say “oops” and get out, OK?...

...and Farron Cousins tells us here that Cancun Cruz sez that Repugs are definitely going to impeach Biden if Cruz’s party of treasonous grifters manages to retake Congress later this year (and what is Cousins talking about? I don't have a podcast - joking, basically)...

...and it may turn out that the fire at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Knoxville, Tennessee was accidental; it’s still pretty early in the investigation and nothing is known for sure, but I think we should take this story and “put a pin in it,” you might say, if it turns out that it was planned instead (again, don’t know one way or the other right now...more here)...

Update 1/8/22: Yeah, this sure figures, doesn't it?

...and say hello to the first (relatively) new tune of the new year.

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