Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

Chris Hayes talks with Dem U.S. Senator Chris Murphy about the latest mass shooting in this country (here); I guess one sign of trying to return to something approximating normalcy in this country is how long it takes for us to start randomly killing each other again (and the “forced birth” party in the U.S. Senate was pontificating/crowing about this)...

Update: Uh, yep.

...and John and Nina Turner of The Damage Report tell us that white people are being “lynched,” as in Kyle Rittenhouse, according to this idiot named Matt Walsh...and I know we already touched on that assclown Dennis Prager saying the unvaccinated are bigger pariahs than those afflicted with AIDS...I hope John’s predictions at the end are wrong, but unless the U.S. Senate Dems manage to kill the filibuster and pass the voting rights bill, he’s probably correct...

...and David Doel discusses U.S. House Repug Nancy Mace of South Carolina going on CNN and pushing COVID vaccines (particularly in light of the Omicron variant) and then going on Fix Noise and pushing natural immunity...and YES, THOSE POSITIONS ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE!...

...and don’t blink or you’ll miss this More Perfect Union video about the real reason for rising prices...some of these allegedly august captains of industry should be called before Congress for this, preferably to face Katie Porter and her white board...

...and I’m going to wrap up my little tribute to Stephen Sondheim with two excerpts from the musical that, IMO, reigns supreme over any other production over the last 60 years or so, and that would be West Side Story; the second is probably my favorite Tom Waits cover from his enormous body of work...

...and here are two more seasonal selections (a challenge to try and remain festive given the first clip and that awful SCOTUS hearing today, but I'm doing my best).

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