Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

I know I'm about two months late with this "Defend the (Senate) Majority" clip...sorry...but better late than never I guess; never let it be said that I don't do my part for Team "D" (more here, and to help the DCCC, click here...maybe some good ideas for "giving Tuesday"???...more info is here)...

...and Ana and John of TYT tell us that climate scientists say 9 major cities could be under water by 2030...and yes, some are in this country, so we can’t just shrug it off and blame it all on Iraq and The Netherlands...

...and this Now This clip tells us Why Billionaires Aren’t “Self Made,” with one reason being that the Federal Reserve (mentioned in yesterday’s clip from Robert Reich) bought a lot of corporate debt during the ongoing COVID pandemic...

...and speaking of our ongoing plague, Dr. Anthony Fauci gives “Cancun” Cruz the treatment he deserves, as Brian Tyler Cohen tells us (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and yesterday marked the 20th anniversary of the passing of George Harrison...

...and here is another tune from Stephen Sondheim as a tribute...

...and here are two more seasonal selections.

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