Friday, December 03, 2021

Friday Stuff

Joy Reid tells us about the effort to basically ban books by the usual conservative suspects, particularly when it comes to anything to do with race or LGBTQ issues (yep, buying them and giving them as gifts works for me)...

Update: Yet another reason not to have a damn thing to do with the wretched state of Texas (here).

Update 12/5/21: More here.

...and this Now This clip tells us how the “party of Lincoln” is using abortion and “CRT” as wedge issues, as they did in this year’s gubernatorial election in Virginia (and I predict that voters in that commonwealth are going to have a big-time case of buyer’s remorse concerning Glenn Trumpkin before they know it)...

...and John and Jayar of The Damage Report tell us about the report that Generalissimo Trump knowingly exposed people to COVID, including Biden of course (Gee, I wonder what ELSE we’re going to find out about this lunatic months and/or years later from a book written by one of his underlings? As opposed to, y’know, DOING THE DECENT THING WHEN THEY FIRST KNEW ABOUT THE DANGER AND TELL EVERYBODY AS THEY DAMN WELL SHOULD HAVE!!!).

And as you ponder John’s quite justifiable level of outrage, know that this utterly diseased human who allegedly served as our 45th president is STILL very much the de facto leader of the “Republic” Party...

..and when it comes to lying Republicans, it looks like the Treasonous Party of No Shame is yelling about the Democrats allegedly giving a tax cut to the rich in the form of an increased tax deduction, which, as any pea brain can tell you, IS NOT THE SAME THING AS A TAX CUT!!...Farron Cousins tells us about the latest right-wing idiocy...

Update 12/4/21: Jonah Goldberg recently made some noise about opposing Trump, and some lefties (but not me) gave him credit.

Jonah Goldberg doesn't deserve credit for a goddamn thing (here...when someone initiates a stock buy back from this increased tax deduction, please let me know).

...and here are more seasonal selections (definitely in need of a palate cleanser of sorts).

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