Monday, November 29, 2021

Monday Stuff

Caroline Johnson of Rebel HQ tells us that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is making more noise about denying communion to President Biden, despite Pope Francis telling #46 to keep receiving it – instead of reaching out to potentially a new generation of Catholics, our “faith leaders” are telling them to go somewhere else...besides, if the Church is really going to "go there," then shouldn't they also ban people who support capital punishment from receiving Communion also? Would there be anyone left to receive it if they did?...

...and in the category of idiotic behavior by males who claim to be cultural role models, David Doel tells us that British MP Nick Fletcher recently blamed (check notes) women in movies for men engaging in criminal activity...just say “oops” and get out...

...and returning to this country, Joy Reid tells us about activist Joe Madison currently engaged in a hunger strike for voting rights...not sure #Manchinema will care about this brave and patriotic gesture...and with those two cretins in mind, I give you this from Will Bunch...

...and Robert Reich tells us about the 3 unaccountable institutions shaping our lives: the Supreme Court, the Federal Reserve, and Big Tech...not sure if there’s an equivalency here between the three, but there’s plenty of evidence provided by Reich as per usual – interesting, and should serve as motivation for all of us to advocate for change inasmuch as we can...

...and Jim Acosta of CNN “brings the receipts” once more, calling out the “freak show caucus” (and again, barring the Senate passing the voting rights bill, these nut cases will be in change this time a year from now because of the ridiculous gerrymandering going on in GOP-run statehouses, as Joy Reid pointed out)...

...and I can’t think of a more appropriate transition to this Stephen Sondheim tune from “A Little Night Music”...

...and here are more seasonal selections; this might be the earliest I can ever recall us observing the “festival of lights” for all who choose to do so – hope it’s enjoyable.

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