Saturday, August 07, 2021

Saturday Stuff

David Doel tells us about the Texas state lawmaker who died of COVID after making fun of the vaccine, and apparently his wife and infant son are infected too – Jesus wept (I predict that, at a certain point probably sooner than later, we’re going to need vaccine passports by state)...

...and while we’re on the subject of our regularly scheduled plague, Emma of TMR tells us more about vaccine hesitancy, with FL Guv Ron #DeathSantis blaming Biden and immigrants for COVID...uh huh, and as Emma says, since when does Florida share a border with Mexico (and in a related item, I give you this lying numbskull...and I don't mean Oswalt)...

...and this Now This clip informs us that 12-year-old Lila Hartley has more common sense than most adults in the Sunshine State...

...and yeah, Joy Ann Reid sure “brings the receipts” for the “R” party on the latest garbage with Dem NY Guv Andrew Cuomo (more here) – yeah, Cuomo needs to be gone yesterday, but some context here is highly called for (and when it comes to “I Like Beer” Brett, let’s not forget this)...

...and I don’t know if this is Beau’s best commentary, but it’s certainly right up there as far as I’m concerned (yeah, 60 percent of Republicans think voting is a privilege, and the logical question to ask is “for whom?” And if you have to ask a question like that, chances are you're not included in the group they prefer)...

...and I now bring you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 8/9/13...with all of the insane weather we’ve experienced recently (particularly, but not by any means limited to, the Pacific Northwest), let’s all remember the biggest villains who have led us to this ecological precipice in the name of profit, and that would be Charles Koch and his late brother Dave...

...and I’m probably a month early for this great Second Thought video on the efforts to unionize in this country and the labor situation overall, but here it is anyway (and yeah, our dear corporate media cousins are going to be all “Oh, nobody wants to work but stay home and collect unemployment instead,” but after you cut through that BS, I think you’ll find there’s just a bit more, you could say, to the story than that)...

...and I guess I need to include this song once in awhile, in this case mainly because of Beau’s great commentary (not a reflection on him, I hasten to add), but probably also because, as far as I’m concerned (and in light of responses against COVID more than anything else), about 25-30 percent of this country is certifiably insane (and I guess this is as close as I can come to giving them the metaphorical slap in the face they deserve, including this Charlie Bullington clown).

Update 8/8/21: And I would add the climate and infrastructure to this list.

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