Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

Joe Scar and Willie Geist speak with Jane Mayer of The New Yorker about the dark $$ groups behind all the “Stop The Steal” idiocy in Arizona and other efforts to sow mistrust in our elections (more here – and of course, Scar is typically tiresome with his commercial for The Heritage Foundation and other like-minded outfits...this garbage currently going on is a logical evolution in their ruthless efforts to consolidate and hold onto power, and only a fool would act surprised by these developments)...

...and apparently President Biden is extending the eviction moratorium, in no small part because of a protest from Cori Bush (yeah, issues with Biden on this, but I definitely wouldn’t call him a “disaster” – that applies to Biden’s predecessor...also, apparently Bush was quite rightly congratulated by Schumer and Elizabeth Warren on this, but haven’t heard anything in the way of a congratulations from House Speaker Pelosi...we’ll see)...

...and Cenk and Ana of TYT bring us the latest on the charges against Dem NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, and yeah, it’s a bunch of really bad stuff...I’m hardly a Cuomo fan, but I kind of kept my powder dry, as it were, a bit on this matter because not only are there plenty of examples of the “R” party acting as badly or even worse on this, but I wasn’t sure where the smoke ended and the fire began, you might say, on the Cuomo stuff, but he needs to be gone for sure after this report, and that montage of him which was a supposed defense made my skin some ways Biden deserves credit and in other ways I think he’s falling short – though, again, he’s a HUUUUGE improvement over his predecessor – but one area where Biden absolutely doesn’t mess around is mistreatment of women, and he’s absolutely right to come down on Cuomo like a ton of bricks...and oh yeah, I think that veiled dig at that maggot Jimmy Dore near the 11:00 mark was highly called for...

...and Mehdi Hasan brings us a report on The Swanson TV Dinner Heir and his trip abroad – “The Hungary Games”...good one (more here)...

...and I thought this was a great video from Don Winslow with Jeff Daniels putting our COVID calamity in the context of 9/11 and the aftermath...

...and when it comes to traitors against our country, we should never, ever let them off the proverbial hook, and Repug U.S. House Rep Paul Gosar is pretty damn high on that list...

...and I thought this was a pretty neat Now This clip about the family in Norway building an eco-friendly dome to live in (kind of sad that it’s come to this, but I applaud the ingenuity)...

...and I’m in the mood for this “moldy oldy” of a summer tune, so here it is.

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