Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

Mrs. Joe Scar and Mike Barnicle tell us evangelical Christians are more resistant to getting the COVID vaccine than any other group (yeah, I know – big surprise at this point)...

...and this CBC report on Florida setting new COVID cases under Governor #DeathSantis includes an interview with Dr. Thomas Unnasch (nice to get the unfiltered reality perspective from the media, even if we have to go to another country to do it...and in a related story, I give you this)...

...and David Pakman tells us that we vaccinated people are getting pretty damn fed up with those who choose not to get one or two shots in the arm...yes, there are cases of people dealing with side effects who are unable to get the full dose, but those are miniscule exceptions (and how ridiculous is this? And ”bleaching your papayas?”...WHAAAA??? And don’t beat yourself up too much, David, because I was hoping the same thing about this country coming together on this)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us that, apparently, Repug U.S. House Rep Adam Kinzinger has no more sh*ts to give concerning the 1/6 insurrection based on this interview with Jonathan Karl of ABC (lots of issues with Kinzinger on other subjects, but he deserves a lot of credit here IMO)...

...and in case anybody out there still thinks I give a free pass to Dems on most any subject, I’m including this segment from David Doel in which he quite correctly takes Nancy Pelosi to task on whether or not the Biden Administration can forgive student loan debt...Doel makes the point very well that Biden can indeed do that, and has in fact DONE IT ALREADY for those who were bilked by for-profit colleges under former Ed Secretary Cruella DeVos...and I agree with Doel that the second clip is actually more damning for the reasons he points out (of course, another alternative is for the Dems to sponsor legislation making it easier to deduct student loan debt for tax purposes, but though that could pass the House the way it’s currently made up, I have a feeling it would die in the deeply-broken U.S. Senate)...

...and speaking of Dems Behaving Badly, John and Ana tells us that, apparently, Joe Manchin can’t tell when he’s getting booed, though AOC fortunately – and yet again to her credit – brings the reality perspective on the infrastructure legislation moving through the Senate at a snail’s pace...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that, apparently, dumb-as-a-tree-stump Tommy Tuberville (allegedly the U.S. Senator from Alabama, from the “R” party of course) didn’t report $3 million in stock trades (violating the Stock Act, it appears...and this applies to Dem and Repug U.S. House reps and U.S. senators, with DiFi and a few others mentioned)...

...and happy 95th (!) birthday to the incomparable Tony Bennett.

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