Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

(Apologies to this guy for that...).

I know there have been some issues with The Lincoln Project and the people running it lately, and if you choose to contribute to them, you’re on your own (not saying anything one way or the other on that), but I’m including this video because they’re doing good work yet again...

...and John I. and Aida Rodriguez of The Damage Report tells us about yesterday’s U.S. Senate hearings on the 1/6 insurrection (tied more to the above pic I know, and yes, insurrection really is the correct word for it, despite what Dinesh D'Felon sez here)...the sarcasm from John at the beginning about witnesses is completely called for IMHO...

...and with wingnut media idiocy in mind, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 2/25/13, in which the late but not lamented Flush Limbore said he was, for the first time, “ashamed of this country” (here).

Was it because of the Iraq War? Nope.

Was it because of Hurricane Katrina? Try again.

Was it because of the 2008 “Great Recession.” Still no.

It was because the administration of Former President Obama was warning about cuts from the infamous “sequester” (which, to me, is one of those legitimate news topics that our corporate media avoids like the plague).

In response – yeah, I’ll just leave it at this (David Pakman tells us more)...

...and Chris Hayes takes on the “party of Lincoln” and their various hangers-on (like Uday Trump Jr.) and other ammo-sexuals over their gun fetish, with a little historical perspective...

...and speaking of guns, I should warn you that this short clip is genuinely disturbing, but it’s the sort of thing that makes me absolutely want to scream; I cannot imagine the mental illness of an individual who thinks that preying on a giraffe like this is anything but utterly barbaric...God almighty, is this woman sick (and I’m not sure what it says about her husband that he went along with this, but it certainly doesn’t say anything good)...

...and RIP Lawrence Ferlinghetti, reading “The world is a beautiful place” (which still can definitely be true despite it all)...

...and I guess I need a bit of levity, so here is this Newsmax host complaining that college age women don’t want to date conservatives, presumably men (break out the world’s tiniest violin – Brett Erlich and Ana K. give this “story” the treatment it deserves)...

...and happy belated 75th birthday to Rusty Young of Poco.

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