Friday, February 26, 2021

Friday Stuff

Kudos to Dem U.S. House Rep Gerry Connolly for standing up to Repug House looney tunes Gym Jordan and “Democrat Party” Andy Biggs for STILL claiming that there was mail-related fraud from the Dems in last year’s elections (no reason to treat the “party of Lincoln” seriously in any way here)...

...and in a related clip, damn, I wish Stephen Lynch was MY congressman – and yeah, Biggs and Jordan’s same-party pal Jody Hice was on this list too...Brian Tyler Cohen explains how the post office did a great job of delivering electoral ballots IN SPITE OF Postmaster Louis DeJoy, not BECAUSE of him...and it looks like Biden can nominate 3 more commissioners who hopefully will can DeJoy at last (here)...

...and Rachel Maddow reminds us of the bad faith on display by others in the Trump Party in the matter of hearings for Biden’s cabinet nominees (yeah, how dare Interior’s Deb Haaland express concerns about drilling for oil on public lands...horrors!)...

...and it tells you how far the wingnuts have gone off the deep end when Liz Cheney is actually the voice of reason, pointing out that the Repugs attract white supremacists – uh, yep, but as Cousins says, they would basically have to disavow the last 50 or so years of their party’s history to clean up that slate, as it were, including a lot authored by Liz’s dad...

...and as long as we’re on the topic of nonsense by the “GOP,” David Pakman tells us of the recent comments by South Dakota U.S. Senator John Thune about how he was just so happy to earn $7 an hour about 40 or so years ago, and gosh darn it, why can’t those good-for-nothing complainers just suck it up and pull themselves up by their bootstraps or whatever and do the same thing (removing my tongue from my cheek)...

...and Ana and John of TYT tell us that a federal judge has allowed CA to enforce its own Net Neutrality law, which hopefully will be the beginning of other states being able to do the same thing...

...and yeah, I suppose Jimmy Dore is the absolute lowest of the low-hanging fruit, but I also guess that attention must be paid at times (bits and pieces of what he says is correct I know, but if he thinks he’s getting anything but played by the Swanson TV Dinner Heir, he’s the most naïve life form on the soon as that weaselly grin appeared on Carlson’s mug, I would have called him out and/or thrown off my mic and said, “I’m outta here”...actually, I probably would know not to even be there in the first place...I think Sam is way too kind to Dore here, but I guess that’s his call)...

...and between the Mars rover and this story, NASA has had a pretty good run lately (thanks to them for the pics in this video); nice to highlight some news that’s actually positive (aside from the CA Net Neutrality story also) – made me recall this tune.

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