Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sunday Stuff

Nicolle Wallace talks with journalist Laurie Garrett, who is someone I take seriously on COVID, since she’s basically been right all along in her reporting on this deadly plague, and I think we’re up to about 510K dead by now...and I’m glad that Garrett lays the blame for this at the feet of the Gropenfuhrer - ugh (I listen to Garrett along with Dr. Fauci, Dr. Peter Hotez and a select few others...God, this stuff on the variants is truly scary)...

...and turning to the misery in Texas, Ben Dixon tells us about Jerry Jones raking it in hand over fist while Texans face ridiculously overinflated energy charges (with Cenk and Helen Hong)...

...and sticking with the "lone star state," Brian Tyler Cohen refutes the typical lies from Repug Gov. Greg Abbott about renewables supposedly being the culprit, which is a preposterously untrue statement (and good for Jen Psaki on pushing back)...

...and Thom Hartmann reminds us that the whole “@CancunCruz” stuff is the latest de-evolution of a political party based on lies...and yes, he keeps tracing it all back to Reaganomics, but dammit, he’s right to do that...didn’t know about the Kroger supermarket stuff, which – yeah – is pretty infuriating for the reasons Hartmann notes...

...and this 11th Hour clip tells us about wingnuts media “going to the dogs,” as it were (with FDR defending his canine Fala, kind of like what Biden has to do now...I guess Williams’ criticism at the end is as far as he can go against some of these wingnut media cretins)...

...and Randy California (nee Wolfe) of the group Spirit would have been 70 yesterday; he died young apparently saving his son from drowning - I call that "going out like a boss."

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