Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

This Now This video tells us about a joke on SNL’s “Weekend Update” that apparently got some pro-Israel sympathizers upset in the matter of COVID vaccinations, or the lack thereof, distributed to Palestinians; boo-freaking-hoo (and of course Russia and China are jumping into the breach, as it were, while the Israelis – and by extension, us – dither in response)...

...and in this “Damage Report” clip, John and Francesca tell us about @CancunCruz trying to win back brownie points among the people he allegedly represents by loading a case of water into a passenger vehicle...meanwhile, that baaad Marxist Socialist AOC helped to raise $5 million for the “lone star state,” as noted here...

...and speaking of people in dire straits from energy failure in bad winter weather, David Doel gives us this story about the Fred Meyer supermarket in Portland, OR, with the food tossed in the dumpster (hey, anybody screaming about “big gumint”...THIS is the sort of task that can be performed by a properly functioning governmental agency, namely, to act as a go-between for a business and those seeking relief, in this case, proper nutrition...this isn’t a comment on any aspect of state and local government in Oregon since I’m not an expert in those areas)...

...and Chris Hayes speaks with Ari Berman about voting in Georgia – I know I had another Berman video recently, but I’m including this because, among the many good points raised (re, how hurting mail-in voting and early voting will likely hurt Republican voters also, even though officials in states trying to pass this garbage are willing to accept “collateral damage,” as Hayes puts it), Berman also tells us that, though Georgia election officials (namely Brad Raffensperger) criticized the Gropenfuhrer for yelling about alleged fraud in “the peach state,” Georgia is basically trying to play voting tricks that validate what Trump was caterwauling about...

...and I have to admit that I really don’t have a “dog” in the whole fight over Biden nominee Neera Tanden to head OMB (I know there is plenty of principled objection here), but Rachel Maddow points out how utterly ridiculous it is for people to oppose Tanden over some tweets that got people upset while also supporting the thoroughly odious Ric Grennell of the regime of Combover Caligula who was guilty of far worse on that score; if I were Biden and Tanden doesn’t get confirmed, just make her a recess appointment since 45 did that stuff all the time and say F.U. to Manchin and the Senate Republicans...

Update 2/24/21: Gee, this explains a lot, doesn it?

...and you probably won’t be able to read the lyrics to this video, but I still thought it was kind of a cool new tune – just something else for a bit of a change of pace, I guess.

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