Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thursday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us about some Republican grifter in Arizona who pretty much asks people in that state who support 45 if they’re willing to die for Mango Mussolini (re, his ridiculously more feeble attempts to hang onto power despite the mounting court losses and the near-certification of all results, at least I think that’s where we’re at right now)...

...and more or less in response, I give you this from K.O...

...and related to the Gropenfuhrer (but by no means confined to him alone), Chris Hayes brings probably as much fury as he’s allowed to communicate as an employee of The Comcast Network over this country’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic (yep, I think “depraved indifference” captures, the Dems haven’t covered themselves in glory either on this, but never forget this also)...

...and on the subject of grifting Republicans, I give you more on David Perdue, who feathered his own proverbial nest while the constituents of his state suffered – to help Jon Ossoff running against Perdue, as well as Raphael Warnock running against the equally odious Kelly Loeffler, click here...

...and here are more seasonal selections, including a tune to recognize the "celebration of lights" which begins tonight.

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