Monday, December 07, 2020

Monday Stuff

Thom Hartmann discusses with a caller from Arizona the brainwashing that takes place from conservative media to its listeners, including Fix Noise of course, with talk radio in particular being a particularly awful offender...

...and in a related vein, Rachel Maddow points out how Mango Mussolini's outrage machine, which of course preys on gullible, donating saps, has turned out to be a cash cow...

...and It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like (a COVID) Christmas, as Brett Erlich and Nando Vila tell us (I’ve tried to avoid anything whatsoever to do with Kayleigh McEnany because I think she’s a certifiable psychotic, in addition to a typical garden variety liar for this regime, but yeah, that answer about burning stuff down, or whatever that idiocy was, was pretty bonkers)...

...and speak of the devil, it looks like Rudy has "the 'rona" (here)...

...and apparently Kelly Loeffler did her very best impression of a Stepford Wife reciting RNC talking points last night at that debate (here); to help Raphael Warnock running against her as well as Jon Ossoff versus David Perdue in the GA Senate elections, click here...

...and here are some more seasonal selections.

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