Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday Stuff


Farron Cousins tells us that congressional Repugs want the Gropenfuhrer to shut his pie hole about how corrupt mail-in voting supposedly is (and in a related item, to do something about Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao and his pals, click here)...

...and yep, I think this new Meidas Touch ad pretty much says it (here)...

...and Kyle tells us that, according to a recent NPR poll, the financial pain from the COVID-19 recession is "much, much worse than expected"...

...and what does Our Orange Pestilence have to offer in response? Well, nothing that’s actually any good of course...Emma Vigeland and Michael Shure tell us about 45’s incredibly racist (but completely unsurprising) ad...yeah, this stuff might work with a halfway decent economy and almost 200,000 Americans STILL ALIVE, but though the Dems can never rest on their laurels, I don’t see this working for anyone except the Trump “base” of course...

...and I’m not sure who this host is on “The Majority Report,” but this segment has to do with right-wing nutsos blaming Antifa for the West Coast fires (kind of tying into the previous campaign ad which, as Emma Vigeland quite rightly noted, is indeed utterly gross – good point at the end about police scanners...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and I agree with David Doel that these Biden campaign ads are effective – just keep beating Mango Mussolini over the head with COVID, since he owns it for sure – but to be honest, I’d like to see some more Dem policy in these spots, but I guess that’s just me...

...and I thought this was a pretty neat “Now This” clip with Dem U.S. Senator Gary Peters of Michigan, talking about alternative energy and being environmentally conscious, and creating good jobs, in his state; he’s in a scrap with this Trumpster/Republican empty suit named John James which is closer than it should be because of a lot of dark money in this race, so to help out Peters, please click here...

...and I think this is a catchy new tune – kinds of hits me where I live a bit too.

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