Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday Stuff

John I. and Ana on “The Damage Report” tell us that Trump AG and longtime Repug fixer Bill Barr wants to lock up Democratic politicians and protesters for “sedition,” and of course decrying the deterioration of our political dialogue at the same time (I’m sure Barr believes in this quote...and boy, is Anna ever right about our history at about 5:28...also, anybody who thinks at this point that Biden is a lock is dreaming; yeah, I wish he was too, but it’s going to be one big fight, and that recent Spanish cell phone idiocy isn't going to help one damn bit...Kyle K. has a video on it if you want to find out more)...

...and I’m sorry Oregon state senator Fred Girod lost his house in the fires, but as noted here, Girod was one of the Repug senators who walked out on a vote to take action against climate change (insert obligatory remark about karma here)...

...and speaking of Kyle, he tells us here that a Florida alligator gets better health care than Americans (hard to argue with that I’ll admit)...

...and as long as we're discussing health care, this Really American ad tells us that, basically, Repugs want our kids to die to build up “herd immunity” (utter monsters, all of them, as well as their supporters)...

...and this clip from David Doel tells us about Baby Newton Leroy Gingrich and his recent appearance on some piece of Fix Noise propaganda; I wouldn’t have said, “let’s not discuss George Soros,” but I would have told Gingrich to provide some evidence to support his claim...I thought this was some pretty good analysis from Doel, and Philly DA Larry Krasner has indeed been a “mixed bag” (I don’t know what the latest is on any appeals from this guy, but if Krasner devotes any resources to help it along, I’m going to scream all over the place, for what it’s worth)...

...and believe it or not, today is the 50th anniversary of the death of Jimi Hendrix.

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