Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Tuesday Stuff

I thought this was a pretty good analysis of the media landscape from Thom Hartmann, including the Swanson TV Dinner heir of course - yeah, "Tucker in '24" huh? Stranger things have happened I guess (interesting history lesson on the Missouri Compromise and how that led to the Civil War and trying to bring slavery throughout the North…I hope Thom is right about the racist a-holes shrinking in numbers)…

Update 7/8/20: Between questioning the patriotism of Dem U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth, who lost most of her legs during Iraq War II (here) and this, the Swanson TV Dinner Heir is having quite the week - utterly craven and spineless POS.

…and Kyle K. tells us about the North Carolina city banning a protest against a Confederate monument, leading into a broader free speech discussion…

…and it looks like Generalissimo Trump is PO’ed at NYC and Mayor de Blasio for a BLM mural on Fifth Avenue; of course, Our Orange Pestilence has to do whatever he can to promote symbols of hate…well, not really, but he does anyway as we know (John I. and Ana discuss)…

…and speaking of Our Traitorous Russian Operative in the White House, I don’t know what else needs to be said beyond this…

…and gee, it looks like Mango Mussolini can’t crow about the economy any more, can he (and I thought this was a timely related post)…

…and happy 80th birthday to Mr. Starkey – we’ll be recognizing the 80th of another Beatle later this year.

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