Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Wednesday Stuff

This clip from NowThis presents more idiot protestors, this time in Minnesota, yelling about opening up that state and nurses pushing back in response – I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that this is the “endgame” for the wingnuts…they want others not like them simply to die

…and the numbers don’t lie – this clip from Rachel Maddow tells us that New York City, at a terrible price, has flattened the COVID-19 curve somewhat, but that definitely is NOT what is going on in the rest of this country…

…and Ana of TYT brings us this video about an 89-page whistleblower complaint from Dr. Rick Bright, who (commendably) finally said ENOUGH of the criminal regime of Our Pumpkin Pestilence and stepped down from his post leading the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (more here)…

…and this clip from Thom Hartmann is a few weeks old, but I think it bears repeating…he discusses the nearly-40-year campaign of billionaires to wreck our government (I think Thom means Charles Koch, not David)…

…and I give you this Billy Bragg tune in recognition of National Nurse’s Day (true, sadly, especially with what is going on now)…

…and RIP Florian Schneider of Kraftwerk (not related to COVID-19 apparently, which is cold comfort I guess).

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