Friday, May 08, 2020

Friday Stuff

Here’s another (pointless, I’ll admit) “hot take” – Mango Mussolini and his pals let the COVID-19 disaster occur partly because of his hissy fit over the Mueller investigation (everybody remember that?) and impeachment, so he said “F.U.” to the country and decided to let everybody die in response…and I swear, JUST ONCE I’d like to see one of these network news personalities point out to Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed, COVID-19-ignoring "`chief executive" that he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about (”the cupboard was bare,” blah blah blah…Trump is the biggest WATB I’ve ever seen!)...Brian Tyler Cohen presents the gory details – and I give that nurse credit because I would have said everything I just pointed out to The Orange Pustule, and I probably would have lost my job as a result…

Update 5/9/20" Yeah, I think this about says it - hope David Muir has fun cashing the check for his hard-earned stenography.

…and Sam and Michael Brooks of The Majority Report tells us about how the “reopen” movement is executing the “disaster capitalism” playbook, especially in Iowa; this clip is about a week old, but I think it’s still timely…

…and Stephanie Ruhle speaks with Jason Furman, former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers during the Obama administration, and Chris Lu, former deputy labor secretary under Obama, about just how truly bad this economic downturn is and how the PPP as a response was wrong for so many reasons…

…and Kyle K. quite rightly complains about lobbyists getting bailouts as part of the COVID-19 “stim”...pardon me while I retch…no defending the Dems on this one, people (here), and that goes for our corporate media too, but in fairness, I also give you this

…and with all of the other insanity going on out there, I really hadn’t said anything about the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, who apparently was guilty of the “crime” of jogging while black; David Doel tells us that two life forms have been charged…and yes, I saw the video, and no, I’m not going to present it either – it’s out there if you want to find it…so much that’s utterly unconscionable about this, not the least of which is the fact that this happened in FEBRUARY and we’re just hearing about this now! (mildly NSFW/H..Doel’s disgust is palpable, and thoroughly called for)...

…and once in a while, I just feel the need to present this clip from “Network,” with Peter Finch as Howard Beale, the “mad prophet of the airwaves” as context for everything, since I think it’s still timely…I guess what he says here also now applies to what we get through our phones and computers, and if you wish to lump in your humble narrator here, that’s your right I’ll admit, though I endeavor to tell the truth, in an imperfect manner I’ll admit (mildly NSFW/H)…

...and RIP one-hit wonder Millie Small...

…and just as a reminder than life goes on, today is the 55th anniversary of this video (here), believe it or not (and a new Dylan recording is on the way, apparently).

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