Saturday, April 18, 2020

Saturday Stuff

(The pic has to do with this item, by the way.)

Cenk and Ana of TYT tell us about how the supposed “stimulus” should help an estimated 22 million people out of work in this country, yet their former employers got bailout $$ to buy shares of their own stock or pay dividends to investors (and in a related story, I think this is pretty rank too)…

…and this “Morning Joe” clip is kind of a corporate-media-sanitized version of the prior video, but Stephanie Ruhle makes some great points about the big bidness malefactors taking the $$ they shouldn’t be entitled to – sounds like crappy legislation railroaded through Congress without proper oversight…more of a reason for us to vote out Repugs and hold more Dems’ feet to the proverbial fire, as Cenk alluded to earlier (and speaking of South Dakota, I give you this)…

…and in keeping with the overall theme here, Thom Hartmann tells us who Our Pumpkin Pestilence is lining up to take the fall for what happens next when he tries to reopen America (though the governors will really be doing that of course, as it should be)…

…and happy belated 75th birthday to Ritchie Blackmore of Deep Purple.

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