Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday Stuff

(Yeah, “Pennsyltucky” is trending on Twitter for a reason, as noted here - spelling continues to be an issue for these life forms)...

Sam and the crew from The Majority Report tell us about health care workers going against protestors in Denver (similar to pic…note to self….NEVER, EVER eat out at Ruth Chris’s again once this is finally, mercifully over…waiting for another angry outburst from Rick Santelli which I’m sure will be coming any day now)…

Update 4/21/20: Yep...predictable indeed (here).

…meanwhile, for the reality point of view, I give you this (here)…

…and yesterday marked the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City ( of the very few moments where Dubya showed actual competence on the job IMHO)…

…and usually I include a tune by an artist or band here, but I’m going to break with that to commemorate the recent passing of Gene Shay; he would probably laugh to be considered a folk music icon in these parts, but that is what he was, if for no other reason because of the Philadelphia Folk Festival, which became an international cultural event under his stewardship…like John Prine, I was hoping he in particular would make it.

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