Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday Stuff

I thought this was a helpful video for students who are contemplating walking out of class today to protest the epidemic of gun violence in this country (more here)…

…and it’s taken me a few days to get around to this great video from The Guardian about the fight to keep energy interests from fouling the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil in which we grow our crops (I thought the Paul Douglas stuff was particularly noteworthy - I also agree with Dr. Charlotte Keys who believes climate change is caused by sin and greed…uh, yep...and I probably don’t have much common intellectual ground with Debbie Dooley, but she’s spot-on when it comes to the environment)…

…and in keeping with the environment, I think this is the most damning list of allegations I’ve seen yet against Scott Pruitt; as far as I’m concerned, he shouldn’t just be fired – he should be incarcerated also…

…and Farron Cousins tells us that the Repug party is going broke during this election cycle, and they're blaming the Gropenfuhrer – heh (I’d love to think this will be the case in the fall, but I’m sure the typical flood of dark money will arise at the last minute, sadly – very happy to be wrong on that)…

…and timed for 4/20 day, Dem U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer is trying to make pot legal on the federal level (I think Cenk in particular is being a little cynical here, though it's hard for me to argue with him I’ll admit – hopefully the Dems will stick with this because it’s not only the right thing to do, but it’s politically popular)…

…and again, given the date, I could opt for a pretty easy musical choice here, but instead I’m going to pass and note that today is the 70th birthday of keyboardist Craig Frost of Grand Funk Railroad – here is a selection for the occasion.

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