Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Call For Change

The latest from Democracy For America...

Got a phone? Then you have what you need to help win this election.

We're in a dead heat -- over 40 Congressional races are ranked as "toss-ups." But there are millions of progressive people out there in must-win districts who aren't yet planning to vote. We've gotta reach 'em!

So, Democracy for America is teaming up with our friends over at MoveOn to make sure that everyone who's hungry for change gets to the polls. They've taken voter lists from some of the most important races in the country and found the progressive-leaning individuals who are infrequent voters. MoveOn provides a simple online tool that makes it easy to call these key voters. Together, we're aiming to make over a million of these turnout calls in the next 6 days -- and with races being decided by as little as a hundred votes, your participation could make all the difference.

Can you take some time this weekend and next Tuesday to make calls to unlikely voters?

You can bring your cell phone and make calls in good company from a "calling party." Sign up

Or, you can sign up to make calls from home right now

MoveOn has identified more potential voters than they can possibly call on their own. And if we don't reach them, no one will.

Republicans are on the air waves with $40 million in personal, negative attack ads. But DFA and our progressive allies can beat them on the ground -- putting our people-powered movement up against their slime. To do it, we'll all need to pitch in. Can you join the "Call for Change" effort and help make it happen?

Click here.

With 6 days left, let's put this thing over the top.


Tom Hughes
Executive Director

P.S. These calls have a huge, measurable impact on voter turnout -- hearing from a real person like you will sway a potential voter more than anything else.
And to help the Patrick Murphy campaign (more on the 8th district later) with its "Get Out The Vote" effort, click here.

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