Monday, October 30, 2006

Dubya, The Back Door Man

I somehow had a feeling that our red-state president would wrangle his way into the wingnut controversy over the New Jersey ruling that the decision of whether or not states should allow gay marriages should be left up to state legislatures.

It’s kind of funny to read our Mental Midget-In-Chief rail against the dreaded “activist judges” when his own Republican National Committee accepts funding from gay porn moviemakers (and I suppose Jeff Gannon/James Guckert is the “bag man” – I was wondering what he’s been up to lately, so to speak, since he got thrown out of the White House press corps for being a total fraud).

Also, I’ve been meaning to ask the following question: why does the Log Cabin Republicans organization continue to exist given the fact that the party they profess allegiance to will ridicule them every way they can, especially in an election year?

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