Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Don’t take my opinion to the bank or anything, but I believe VP Kamala Harris made an astute selection in choosing Minnesota guv Tim Walz as her running mate; he has more of a track record than Josh Shapiro, and choosing Walz automatically invalidates the Repug talking point of “oh, the Dems chose someone from the ‘coastal elite’ for the Harris ticket,” which is actually a hilarious statement about our beloved commonwealth of “Pennsyltucky”...personally, I was leaning towards Mark Kelly, but Walz is a terrific addition to the ticket...Ben Meiselas of the Meidas Touch Network brings us more...

...and turning to #46, Kyle Kulinski tells us about President Biden’s proposed SCOTUS reforms...the High Court should also be expanded to 13 justices IMO, one for each district court, with mandatory retirement at 75, and I agree with 10-year term limits also, but I don’t call what Biden’s doing here “virtue signaling”...interesting that John Roberts, as a DOJ lawyer under The Sainted Ronnie R, said that Congress could do “distributing stripping” from the SCOTUS...and the Lochner-era court, up until now, was probably the most rabidly pro-business Supreme Court in our history...oh, and as long as we’re talking about the High Court of Hangin’ Judge J.R., I think Gorsuch should stuff it with garbage like this (NSFW/H)...

...and Marc Elias and Paige Moskowitz from “Democracy Docket” inform us that the “peach state” has introduced a portal (from the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger) where people can submit voter registration cancellation requests, apparently without much verification concerning the individual being cancelled...what country am I living in again? (“The dead person’s not gonna vote”...yeah, I think that says it pretty much)...

...and I’m glad I stumbled across this item from Stephanie Miller and John Fugelsang about Cantaloupe Capone and his “miracle ear” – at a certain point, I guess all you can do is laugh (and "Vladimir Futon" - good one)...

...and Mandela Barnes of More Perfect Union narrates a clip about the hidden crisis affecting America’s kids, namely, lead pipes for water installed before documents, among other things, the pace of lead pipe replacement with $$ from the Infrastructure bill, which represents the biggest investment we’ve ever made in upgrading water systems, and the person who deserves credit for that more than anyone else is #46; there were a lot of reasons why I and others were absolutely enraged watching him getting pretty much shoved out of the way in the campaign after the debate, and all of the good work from his legislation (the Infrastructure Bill, the American Jobs Plan and the CHIPS Act) had a lot to do with that...yes, I’ll acknowledge that the time had come for him to hand over the reins, but I’m not holding my breath waiting for Biden to get all of the credit he’s due for reviving our economy coming out of COVID...and by the way, concerning Barnes, we should also NEVER forget that he lost to RoJo The Clown in Wisconsin by 27K votes, and as noted here, 37K votes were suppressed in can do the math on that as well as I can...

...and I know I need to pick up the pace a bit with my summer tunes; here’s another one.

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