Monday, August 05, 2024

Monday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore tells us about “Killer Kyle” and his declaration that he’ll vote for Ron Paul for president, but then – oopsie! – Mr. “No Takebacks” decides that he’s now on board with the Gropenfuhrer...and Rittenhouse is losing followers on Xitter? C’est dommage...I guess he’ll have to go randomly shoot some more people and get acquitted again for more media attention, huh? (#sarcasm)...

...and David Pakman tells us that J.D. Vance is back to spout more garbage about married adults without kids, saying they’re sociopathic or something...unintentionally amusing for characters like Vance to keep spouting “values” bullsh*t like this in lieu of actual legislation...oh, wait...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about this Charles Moran guy getting played by Not Your Father’s Republican Party...I don’t think “Stockholm Syndrome” adequately explains why the Log Cabin Republicans continue to exist, but it looks like their leader was vilified for praising Bronzer Beelzebub recently...and yeah, the Grindr stuff is amusing, I have to say, as well as that clip with “George Santos”; I wish he hadn’t been booted out of the U.S. House because he would have been a walking, talking reason to vote for Dems...oh well (NSFW/H)...

...and Farron Cousins informs us that the fallout is continuing from the Gropenfuhrer’s typical over-the-top racism on display at that NABJ gathering...and no, I don’t give Comer and Thune credit here either; definitely not the full-throated criticism that should have ensued, really from anyone mentioned here...and oh yeah, there’s Billo the Clown somehow trying to remain relevant...have a hot toddy and get yourself tucked under the covers for the evening – do us all a favor and GO “F” YOURSELF, OK? And speaking of Mango Mussolini, I think we should remember this...

...and Miss Beau informs us that the members of the Trump Party in the U.S. Senate voted down the expanded Child Tax Credit, and Senate Majority Leader (for now) Chuck Schumer has introduced the “No Kings Act” in response to our thoroughly corrupt SCOTUS trying to make Our Ochre Abomination king, lord and dictator (more here and here)...

...and I know I’m overdue for a newer tune – I think this fits for a “mellow Monday.”

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