Thursday, August 08, 2024

Thursday Stuff

This Lincoln Project video brings us more words commonly associated with Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence, who has been propped up by people and institutions with power and influence (here) regardless of his criminality for his whole damn life (and more on the Gropenfuhrer and Project 2025 is here and here)...

...and David Pakman tells us about Kamala Harris taking the lead nationwide over Bronzer Beelzebub, and many statewide polls also of course – not huge numbers, but still notable...and yes, the trend lines are what matters the most (so yeah, of course the Trumpers are going to yell and scream that this is all “fake news”...they’re cranking up their slime machine as I type this of course, so God knows what kind of garbage they’re going to come up with in the fall, since, as Bushie Andrew Card once infamously said about the Iraq war, you don’t roll out a new product in August as noted here)...

...and Rachel Maddow reminds us that Not Your Father’s Republican Party has individuals in place to mess with the ’24 election, in battleground states of course including Michigan, where they tried to decertify the results in ’20 (w/ Marc Elias)...”January 6th was the culmination of a certification dispute”; I don’t think I’ve ever heard it put so matter of factly, but yeah, it makes sense to me...

...and Thom Hartmann asks if Combover Caligula and his consigliere Bill Barr will EVER be brought to justice, and Thom asks that question in light of reporting from Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Daily News about a $10 million payoff from strongman El-Sisi in Egypt to the leader of Cult 45 (here)...infuriating that the statute of limitations has apparently expired on this...and yeah, this whole “blue slip” garbage in the Senate pertaining to judicial nominations NEEDS TO FREAKING GO!...

...and Sam Seder of The Majority Report tells us that Usha Vance, J.D.’s wife, went on Fix Noise to try and clean up the mess from her spouse’s “childless cat ladies” nonsense, which was plainly made as a dig at Democrats because Vance thinks they’re unfit to govern because they don’t have kids, which definitely works hand in glove with Vance’s schtick about parenting, presumably with his fellow knuckle draggers in mind (more here)...and boy, is Sam ever right about the “party of Lincoln” not renewing the child tax credit in the Senate...

...and this “America’s Lawyer” clip with Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins discusses some outfit called the Tax Foundation, composed of all of the corporatist greed head “one percent” grifters we know and despise, and how they’ve managed to infiltrate K-12 schools with their propaganda that taxing business is baaad...

...and lest we forget, I should note that today is the 50th anniversary, believe it or not, of the resignation of Richard Nixon from the presidency over Watergate...and I completely believe that, had the scandal happened today, there would have been the typical wingnut screeching over the “li-bu-ruuul media” and it would have gotten the “memory hole” treatment from the Fourth Estate, and it gives me no pleasure whatsoever to point that out...

...and here’s another seasonal selection to try and brighten up a cloudy, dreary day in these parts.

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