Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday Stuff

OK, let me just put out a reminder that the only person I ever encouraged violence against at this site (rightly or wrongly) was Osama bin Laden, and fortunately, that’s pretty far in the rear-view mirror at this point. And despite what Our Treasonous Orange Pustule wishes for everybody who opposes him, I’m glad he wasn’t seriously hurt by something that apparently was an assassination attempt on Saturday in our beloved commonwealth.

However, do not expect me to “bend the knee” for a guy who routinely traffics in violent threats and makes common cause with those seeking to do violence to this country from within and without. Also, it seems that the cretinous guttersnipes angling to be his VP nominee are already blaming President Biden and the media of course, so they plainly have learned absolutely nothing from this incident. I believe it was Malcolm X who made the arguably inappropriate observation that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was a case of the “chickens coming home to roost,” and that’s pretty much how I feel about this (and not for nothing, but the #1 search term on Xitter after the shooting was “staged”...just saying).

Besides, I have NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that Combover Caligula will somehow come up with some kind of a “commemorative portrait” of the incident that he’ll be happily hawking on Truth Septic ($29.95, for a limited time only with Trump’s signature) in the immediate future.

Update: Well, I was close.

Now to the begin, John and Mondale Robinson of The Damage Report tell us about Cantaloupe Capone saying that he doesn’t know anything about Project 2025, which is yet another lie... GREAT point by John saying that somebody should ask Bronzer Beelzebub what it is in Project 2025 that he’s against (more here, here, here and here)...

...but turning once more to “the big story on Action News,” you might say, Beau gives us the latest on the assassination attempt...I think “be comfortable with uncertainty” is wise for now (including both anyone jumping on the “staged” bandwagon as well as anyone contorting themselves to find a way to blame Democrats somehow...interesting T-shirt selection I must say)...

...and let’s not forget which of the two candidates wants to abandon NATO and side with dictators, including Vlad the Butcher – I know we know this, but it bears repeating; it’s definitely not #46...

...and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is shown here defending Biden after the press conference in which #46 quite rightly praised NATO (comments have to do with treatment of our military)...

...and Jesse Dollemore, just back from Scotland, gives us some polling data that looks favorable for Biden, thank God (good for Jesse for calling out Cenk Uygur for claiming to support RFK Jr...I’ve seen some commentary out there somehow trying to draw an equivalency between what happened in Butler, PA with the attempted assassination of The Sainted Ronnie R, and I would argue that there is NO connection; Reagan had just been sworn in weeks prior to that and was a pretty blank slate as president, whereas Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence has a pretty sordid track record that he’s trying to run away from...and this is probably the best blog post I've seen on the election)...

...and Robert Reich is back to debunk another myth about our allegedly wonderful economy, and that is the one that “taxing the rich is socialism”...and it should be noted that stock buybacks used to be illegal, until the aforementioned “Saint Reagan” changed that (here)...

...and I guess “that’s a wrap” on the recent U.K. elections with this typically pithy commentary from Jonathan Pie on, among other things, “50 Shades of Beige” Sir Keir Starmer...humorous stuff, but also a warning for non-crazy politicians to deliver for their constituencies...

...and it doesn’t look like we’re going to get a break from the heat in these parts anytime soon...please be careful.

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