Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Somehow I had a feeling it would be J.D. Vance - anybody who thought Trump would pick a woman or an African American must be suffering from a wholly undiagnosed form of delusion (here and here...also, there is this, this, and this)...

Update 1:...
...and Thom Hartmann gives us his take on how Mango Mussolini and his minions will use the shooting to try and shut up Dems from complaining about our slow creep to fascism (apparently Reagan had a bit of a revelation on nuclear disarmament after his shooting in ’81...and in case you see our corporate media trotting out the beyond-tired narrative of “oh, that was when we all got along and Tip O’Neill had a beer with The Sainted Ronnie R”...well, that’s BS of course, and Reagan had only been in office for a few weeks and was still a pretty unknown commodity, as opposed to the head of Cult 45 with his ruinous record as *president and his continual embrace of violent rhetoric and, in the case of Charlottesville, violent actions...and "Joe Scar" is somehow a casualty of the "cvility police"?? We're "through the looking glass" on that one IMO)...

Update 2: Yeah, this sure figures, doesn't it? Doesn't sound to me like this kid was much of a "lefty."

...and continuing with the would-be assassination in Butler, PA, Jesse Dollemore tells us about the completely predictable rush to judgment by “the usual suspects” including Bo-Bo Boebert (who, based on this, should tend to her own house first before she criticizes anyone else) and Marjorie Traitor Greene, blaming President Biden and the Dems for the shooting (yeah, Nancy Peolsi’s husband was almost killed by a nut wielding a hammer...but somehow SHE is to blame also?? And GREAT point by Jesse about the “nutter butters” out there wanting immunity for their orange “hero,” but they also want any local yokel in existence to be able to file charges against Biden for any reason...you can cut the stoo-pid with a knife here...and yeah, I know that’s a metaphor)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us that “judge” Aileen Cannon, taking her cue from Almost Silent Clarence Thomas, tossed the Trump secret documents suit, which, as Cohen says, was predictable given Thomas’s advisory opinion saying Jack Smith was illegally appointed somehow, which, in addition to being utterly wrong, also violates SCOTUS precedent apparently...we’ll see what the 11th Circuit does next...and good point by Cohen that, if Merrick Garland had just let a DOJ attorney handle this instead of a special prosecutor, we probably wouldn’t be in this mess...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (sort of) from 7/15/14, in which Cenk Uygur of TYT tells us about Fix Noise (mainly, the beyond useless Greg Gutfeld and Andrea Tarantos) accusing the “old gray lady” of being bigoted against Catholics for running an ad that the network doesn’t like, from the “Freedom From Religion” Foundation in response to the typically ridiculous SCOTUS ruling in the Hobby Lobby case, alleging that the ad attacks Catholics...I’m sure you’ll be utterly shocked to learn the ad did NOTHING OF THE FREAKING KIND!!! And that’s putting aside the fact that, as Cenk rightly points out, Catholics are a majority on the SCOTUS.

(That being said, I have to tell you that I just don’t know what to do about TYT at this point since I’m pretty fed up with them generally. I recently saw a video with Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola commenting on J.D. Vance currying favor with Dementia J. Trump by Vance’s fact-free smears against Democrats, and for about the first 2 ½ minutes, the clip rightly called out how Vance for that, but Kasparian made sure to say, “Oh, the Dems are guilty of the same thing.” If she means politicians trying to inflate their egos and their alleged accomplishments in order to suck up to their “betters,” I agree. If she means VP Kamala Haris trying to kiss the metaphorical butt of the leader of a party of treasonous insurrectionists who want to effectively end Democracy, my only response is, “Are you on crack, lady?” And even David Shuster, commenting on the aftermath of the Butler, PA assassination attempt, came right out and said that if somehow Trump softens his tone or whatever, he’ll win in November. Nobody knows that – what the hell is wrong with you?)

Here's the TYT clip...

...and she’s going to be at State College on October 4th and Doylestown on October 9th near here, just to let you know – I’m sure tickets are available (here).

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