Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday Stuff

I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less), and this time we’re taking a short trip back about a year ago to 7/11/23, in which we learn about everything our thoroughly corrupt SCOTUS is blocking from the Biden Administration, including student debt relief (and it looks like Biden is taking another crack at that as noted here...and does anyone seriously think this would be taking place if, God forbid, the leader of Cult 45 manages to win another term in office?)...

...and when it comes to corruption on the High Court, the focus quite rightly has been on “Strip Search Sammy” Alito and Almost Silent Clarence Thomas, which is as it should be, and with that in mind, this Democracy Now! clip with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez features an interview with author Adam Cohen on the Abe Fortas resignation from the SCOTUS in 1969 (video is from last year)...GREAT point about Dems caving on Fortas, including Walter Mondale and Joseph Tydings of Maryland – what’s past is prologue on that score, it seems...the money behind the Fortas scandal was a pittance compared to now – really, the wingnuts wanted Fortas out because of a free speech ruling, with individuals like Strom Thurmond screaming that the ruling allegedly legalized p*rn (more on the “Fortas Film Festival” is here)...

...and Alex Wagner talks more about the relationship between Fortas and LBJ and the $20K Fortas accepted from financier Louis Wolfson, which Fortas returned...again, presenting this to show what “small potatoes” the Fortas stuff was compared to the Thomas and Alito garbage, though I have to say that Fortas consulting with Johnson while on the High Court was a no-no (video is also about a year old)...

...and returning to the present moment, Farron Cousins tells us that Bronzer Beelzebub resurfaced recently from the golf course and acted once more like the lunatic that he is, telling his minions to pass something called the SAVE Act, which re-criminalizes something that’s already illegal (God, what a bunch of nitwits!)...

...and as a bit of a “compare and contrast” exercise, I give you recent speeches from Biden (defending NATO) and Mango Mussolini (???) that took place on the same day...

...and David Pakman gives us this clip of Dem U.S. House Rep Jake Auchincloss defending President Biden in front of this Fix Noise male mannequin named John Roberts (another one)...I wish EVERY GODDAMN WISHY WASHY DEM OUT THERE (including this guy, who I usually respect and is apparently stepping down) would PAY ATTENTION TO THIS!!!...

...and RIP union organizer Jane McAlevey, who has left us at way too young of an age at 59...

...and I now offer a bit of a seasonal mediation in the hopes of getting some wet weather in this locality.

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