Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

You can consider this to be my periodic reminder of the great unwashed who will cast their ballots for Our Treasonous Orange Former Overlord come hell or high water, and to me, that includes the life form driving the vehicle pictured above (and once more, I’ll say again that I know what The Lincoln Project is, but good on them for continuing to sound the alarm)...

...but for a bit of the reality perspective, I give you another typically well-done analysis from Beau, this time on yesterday’s results in the New Hampshire primary (and as far as those who pulled the lever/checked the box for Combover Caligula...well, come hell or high water, Repugs will fall in line)...

...and the political decline of Our Ochre Abomination has to be hastened no doubt by the quite justifiable attacks aimed at him on social media, as David Shuster explains (and I’m a little leery about pointing out the Gropenfuhrer’s cognitive decline also, though that’s happening many of you I’m sure, I’ve seen family members go through that, and despite the fact that we’re talking about Trump, I’m loathe to point that out I have to admit)...

...and Thom Hartmann discusses scientists warning us about micro-plastics (and nano-plastics, actually...terrific – and I’m not one bit surprised to hear that the House Dems and that allegedly awful Nancy Pelosi passed a bill to try and ban microplastics, but it died in “the world’s greatest deliberative body” from yet another Repug filibuster...more here)...

...and going from the ridiculous to the even-more-ridiculous, Kyle tells us about Oklahoma Repug state senator Dusty Deevers, who is trying to pass a bill banning the viewing of all porn (“how many life sentences would you all be serving?” indeed...sounds like another “solution” in search of a problem...NSFW/H)...

...and I didn’t know that you-know-who had run afoul of The Smiths for copyright infringement (here)...I guess you can just add them to the list of performers/groups with a grievance against Our Treasonous Tiny-Handed Former *Preznit.

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