Monday, January 22, 2024

Monday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore discusses Dem U.S. House Rep Dan Goldman’s censure resolution against Repug Elise Stefanik for referring to the life forms who launched the 1/6 treasonous insurrection as “hostages”...yeah, I would say that “masturbatory patriotism” applies to Stefanik and the guttural nematodes of her party (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and speaking of Repug U.S. House idiots, Big Stupid Head Matt Gaetz managed to be both racist AND chauvinist at the same time recently, as Farron Cousins explains – heckuva job...

...and turning to the other chamber of Congress, John and Francesca of The Damage Report tell us that Big Hair Blackburn is BAAAACK, introducing something called the Women’s Right To Know Act...I know you’ll be utterly shocked to find out that this is yet another anti-abortion bill, proving once more that the “party of Lincoln” has learned ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from the 2022 mid-term elections after Dobbs was handed down by The Supremes...

...and this video from Mike Figueredo tells us about Kentucky Repug state pol Nick Wilson, who was recently mocked for sponsoring a bill apparently in favor of incest (and this guy was a winner on “Survivor”...I think Figueredo is correct in that omitting the first cousin language was a weird mistake, but let’s not forget the totality of Wilson’s garbage record either, as noted in the clip...NSFW/H)...

...and Beau talks about a grand jury report focusing on the poor police response to the Uvalde gun massacre (great point by Beau that we really don’t know what the grand jury has been tasked to do, so it would be unrealistic to jump to conclusions, and we probably won’t know for certain what’s going on here until just about when the findings are usual, Beau’s T-shirt is spot-on)...

...and The Beach Boys recorded this number to kick off "Pet Sounds" on this day in 1966 (nothing like a little warm, sunny tune to help with the winter doldrums).

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