Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

This report from More Perfect Union tells us about the Biden Administration’s efforts to end overdraft fees, with Rohit Chopra of the CFPB...I mean, I have a feeling we’re talking about blue sky and unicorns here, but the effort to cap fees at $3 at a minimum is great news...the cynic in me is saying that this is just an effort to distract from the failure of the current bunch in An Oval Office to slap down our pal “Bibi” the way we should, but I think good behavior should be commended and rewarded also...

...and Jesse Dollemore informs us that Ron #DeathSantis has ended his Repug primary campaign for second place behind Combover Caligula, and he also misquoted Winston Churchill for good measure...nice job by Jesse to put together that little mashup of the guv of Flori-DUUUH! talking smack about the head of his party while at the same time “bending the knee” in his concession...

Update: More here.

...and as long as we’re talking about the Repug primary to find out whether or not Nimarata Randhawa will end up as VP on the ticket, Farron Cousins takes us inside the numbers of Mango Mussolini’s victory in Iowa, which was more pathetic than you think (the 7% non-solution, in terms of total Repugs who voted, and apparently Tangerine Palpatine only got 3% of THAT...and boy, is Farron Cousins ever spot-on when it comes to our corporate media serenading us about doom and gloom for Dems, while EVERYTHING is good news for Republicans)...

Update: It was communicated to me somewhat informally that I wasn't playing nice, you might say, to refer to Nikki Haley by her birth name. I have a ton of issues with Haley on policy, but I wasn’t trying to be unkind to her personally, so I’ll stop doing that.

...and Robert Reich refutes the five biggest Repug lies about immigrants coming over our southwest border...yeah, some of these have been pointed out before, but we need to be vigilant against this garbage (making me recall this)...

...and RIP acclaimed director Norman Jewison, who brought us “In The Heat Of The Night” (clip follows), “Moonstruck,” and a bunch of other memorable films – pretty sure he received an honorary Oscar, though he could have taken home the Best Director statue a few times (and speaking of Tinseltown, it appears that the '24 noms have been handed down; the only movie I saw over the prior year was Oppenheimer, and I’m glad to see that it was rewarded commensurately)...

...and also RIP Mary Weiss, lead singer of the '60 all-girl group The Shangri-Las; here is their biggest hit, which I'm sure we know well by now.

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