Monday, December 04, 2023

Monday Stuff

Gee, it looks as if a certain Treasonous Tiny Handed Former *preznit doesn’t have immunity from prosecution for 3 separate civil lawsuits holding Our Ochre Abomination liable for the 1/6 insurrection, as ruled by a U.S. appeals court; Rayy Vana, Cenk Uygur and Jordan Uhl bring us the details...I thought Rayy Vana’s analysis was solid, Cenk’s was interesting a bit – and he may be right in his pessimism, sadly – but Jordan Uhl might as well not even have bothered to show up...

...and Lawrence O’Donnell starts off here by discussing a passage in Liz Cheney’s new book (and you just KNEW that was coming in time for the holidays, right?) where Combover Caligula is referred to as “Orange Jesus,” which, as far as I’m concerned, is pretty damn blasphemous; I really wish she had found a way to attribute that quote to an individual or individuals...and by the way, don’t think I’m anywhere close to climbing onboard some kind of Liz Cheney bandwagon, because I’m definitely not; she was right about #45 but absolutely 100 percent dead wrong on everything takes awhile for O’Donnell to get to the point, but it’s worth it when he does...probably the most damning indictment of our corporate media that I’ve heard from someone on an actual corporate media channel...

...and from one extreme of a TV network doing the right thing to the exact opposite in the other direction, Farron Cousins tells us about Brian Kilmeade of Fix Noise praising slaveowners in an interview with the equally odious Charlie Kirk, because of course - and yeah, most of the northern states managed to do just fine without slavery, but I guess they don't count somehow...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report bring us the clip of Mehdi Hasan interviewing Israeli diplomat Mark Regev that, in all likelihood, led to Hasan losing his show on MSNBC... I guess the “back and forth” offended people’s sensibilities or something (and I know Hamas started this with that horrible attack on the music festival including taking the hostages, but I thought Regev’s responses along the lines of “yeah, I know those are pictures of kids that got bombed, but why aren’t you showing dead Hamas soldiers instead?” was pretty damn weak...I know MSNBC’s sucky ratings particularly on weekends played a part here also, but like the TMR panel, I thought the main reason Hasan lost his show was the Regev exchange)...

...and here are more seasonal selections.

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