Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Thom Hartmann discusses a report from Pro Publica and Lever News on the rip-off of Medicare Advantage and our scammy for-profit health care system in general – Thom cites a story of a guy in Michigan with an aggressive form of lymphoma, but Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan won’t pay for the treatment because it’s over $100 grand...his outrage is completely justified, and I can use a few words here myself to say what I think of this that probably would get me dinged for content moderation (and I'm pretty sure the open enrollment period for Medicare is almost done)...

...and Beau gives us his take on the Senate Judiciary Committee issuing subpoenas to Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow for the SCOTUS nonsense (and no, I don’t see 60 votes coming to enforce a subpoena...and I agree with Beau; just put forward the damn SCOTUS ethics code and let that stand or fall, but if it goes down, get those Senate cretins on the record for voting against it...of course, Biden and the Dems should be well on their way to packing the Court by now, particularly in light of this, and this also has to do with Moore, but we are where we are - sigh)...


...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report informs us of “Meatball Ron” lying again, this time about banning gender studies for grades pre-K through 3rd, when in reality he’s trying to ban these studies through grade 12 in Flori-DUUH!...oopsie! And yeah, that transphobic idiot Michael Knowles really does give away the game here as Figueredo says...the goal is to do everything possible to erase trans and queer individuals entirely (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and moving a few degrees west, Farron Cousins lets us know that former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabilly sez that impeaching Biden would be a disaster...yeah, Huckabilly kind of stumbled into the truth here (though not for the reasons he points out), but as Cousins tells us, there’s plenty of historical precedent behind the argument that impeachment (based on zero evidence to date) would definitely be a boon for #46...

...and here are more seasonal selections.

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