Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

David Doel tells us about President Biden speaking out in support of the UAW strikers; lots of good stuff about the pro-worker Biden NLRB; I didn't know this is the first time a chief executive did this, which is all the more notable...I knew about that National Right to Work outfit (hmmm, just smell the Astroturf!), but I also didn’t know we were up to 27 states with right-to-work laws, which of course is “right to work for less with lousy or no benefits” (pretty sure Illinois got rid of their RTW law)...props to the workers who utterly blew up the BS about Mango Mussolini supposedly being “pro-worker” echoed by the corporate media nonsense from “the most trusted name in news”...

...and I’m behind a bit on my Leeja Miller clips and I’m going out of order here to present the following on “Project 2025”; I think I got into this with a Kyle Kulinski clip, but this is a much deeper dive (NSFW/H)...I know the whole “administrative law” segment is pretty dry, but it’s also pretty damn important to know about to get an understanding of why the wingnuts hate our governmental agencies so damn much, mainly because they interfere with our precious “free market” from doing whatever the hell it wants...and oh yeah, we learn about the whole “unitary executive theory” madness once more...and I’d never heard of “Schedule F” until now, but yeah, it’s pretty “cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs” like the rest of this depraved lunacy...the conservative grievance mentality drips from every word of every odious page of this wretched “manifesto,” including basically imprisoning any LGBTQ person, anyone who purveys “pornography,” or anyone advocating a “woke agenda” of course...the fact that forces in this country could produce something like this in the 21st century is truly a “mask off” moment...

...and the Blue Amp Channel guy (not Cliff Schecter) tells us about the 3 things the Repug candidates for preznit won’t talk about in tonight’s clown show debate...

...and Jesse Dollemore and Brittany Page tell us about the “party of Lincoln” being more concerned about attire in the U.S. Senate than hungry kids (well-done interview clip with Nell Menefee-Libey discussing the WIC program, and if I were to see “I’m Disappointed” Collins in a bikini, I would likely need shock therapy...NSFW/H)...

...and Mike Figueredo tells us about Repugs getting all big mad at Talyor Swift for encouraging thousands (at least) of her fans to register to vote...OF COOOUURRRSE!, as Cenk Uygur might for her music, I really don’t have an opinion either way – it’s OK I guess, but it doesn’t do anything for me, which is fine (NSFW/H)...

...and speaking of musicians, RIP Terry Kirkman of The Association.

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