Monday, September 25, 2023

Monday Stuff

David Pakman gives us a clip of Our Ochre Abomination threatening Jews for not supporting him, and on Rosh Hashanah no less (and happy Yom Kippur to all who observe, by the way) the process of having another online tantrum at Truth Septic, #45 rattles off his highly questionable list of “accomplishments” (and of course, what would ANY kind of a conservative message be without misspellings?)...

Update: Naaah, this isn’t what dictators and demagogues do, is it?

...and Jesse Dollemore gives us another example of poor white Repugs screwing themselves over for Trump (three clips include Marjorie Traitor Greene’s boyfriend interviewing a couple of people at an Iowa rally for the Gropenfuhrer...I don’t know if the problem is that these folks have just grown up to advanced middle age in an environment where there is no alternative media besides right wing talk radio and other like-minded broadcast networks, or how much of a role their faith plays in all of this – not trying to impugn religion per se, I hasten to add – but these folks are flat-out, dead wrong to support the “party of Lincoln” in any way whatsoever)...

...and Krystal, Kyle and friends discuss the Andy Beshear ad featuring a young girl named Hadley who was raped by her stepfather, and the clip is aimed right at Kentucky Repug Daniel Cameron...yeah, call out these monsters for what they truly are...more here (and I thought this was a little illuminating also, though not in a good way)...

...and Francesca and Mondale Robinson of The Damage Report tell us about a Texas school cancelling, if you will, a graphic novel of “The Diary of Anne Frank,” supposedly because it has all that icky gay woman stuff (tongue in cheek; watching this, it occurs to me that we don’t have to refer to Repugs, “Moms for Liberty” and other like-minded clowns as figurative Nazis; this is LITERAL Nazi garbage)...

...and Cliff Schecter tells us that Dem U.S. House Rep Eric Swalwell of CA made Gym Jordan run away in the recent Merrick Garland hearing by speaking truth to Repug Party BS (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and I know these guys are touring, but on the other coast at the moment – don’t know if they made it into our area recently, but I’ll keep an eye out to see if they return in the future and try to get the word out their sound.

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