Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Chris Hayes discusses the utterly woeful anti-union record of Our Treasonous Tiny-Handed Former *President, who apparently will be speaking at a non-union auto parts manufacturer in Michigan as noted here (and oh yeah, “woke” EVs are the issue...GMAFB!)...

...and Francesca and Nina Turner of The Damage Report tell us that, apparently, Evangelicals at the Family Research Council’s “Pray, Vote, Stand” summit are being a little closed-mouthed about their victories, particularly on Dobbs, probably b/c they know how pissed off people are about them (as Francesca notes, interesting to me that there’s apparently a larger decline in Sunday services attendance among Repugs than Dems...and let's not EVER forget that Roe was struck down by SCOTUS justices nominated by and confirmed under Combover Caligula...those wretched three made the difference)...

...and Kyle Kulinski discusses Mehdi’s Hasan’s commentary on Dem U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (more here...kind of a pointless dig at Dick Durbin, but I agree with Kyle’s other points, especially comparing the response of lefties to Menendez vs. Repugs doing what they do best, and that’s pretty much falling in line for the antics of their party, and spot-on to draw a comparison also to Almost Silent Clarence Thomas and “George Santos”...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 9/22/15...the Hillary Clinton campaign (remember her?) put together this video from the Repug Party debates from that period to point out that the “party of Lincoln” was utterly silent on the issues that mattered most, something to keep in mind for tomorrow night’s idiocy (and gee, that HRC sure was a stinky candidate for ABSOLUTELY NAILING THEM ON THIS, wasn’t she...yes, tongue-in-cheek once more)...

...and last Sunday marked what would have been the 75th birthday of the one and only Phil Hartman...

...and happy 68th birthday to Carlene Carter.

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