Monday, August 07, 2023

Monday Stuff

Thom Hartmann discusses some truly disturbing info buried in Jack Smith’s multiple-count indictment of Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence, and that is the plan for what could have been basically another version of the Kent State massacre, but on a national scale (The Sainted Ronnie R’s remarks as CA guv led to the bloodbath Reagan wanted in Ohio on 5/1/70...I didn’t know the Kent State carnage led to an explosion of membership in The Weather Underground, but it doesn’t surprise me...frightening to realize how close we were to losing our government, and that’s not hyperbole - I mean recently...and of course Rojo and Sen. Grasshole are allegedly involved, and Tuberville also...feel like I’m picking up with this asshat from Alabama where I left off last Friday...and it looks like Jamelle Bouie noticed the same thing as Hartmann based on this)...

...and Chris Hayes speaks with PA Dem U.S. House member Madeleine Dean, who rips Senate Repugs who acquitted #45 (and silence from Bri-Fi too of course...I give Dean a lot of credit, but it’s almost quaint at this point to expect Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao to act in any kind of an honorable way)...

...and Beau tells us about the latest social media mess with Combover Caligula – he just can’t stop trying to grift, and he also can’t stop yelling and acting up like the demented toddler that he is (as I type this, there’s probably some stuff going on with the Obama-appointed judge...we’ll see of course)...

...and when it comes to Trumpist sycophants, it looks like the “mayor of 9/11” is in legal trouble too (“your tits belong to me,” huh? God, I feel like I need to be de-loused after this, and also for the anti-Semitic stuff too, and I mean no disrespect to Jesse Dollemore) – NSFW/H...

...and when it comes to the competition for the Repug Party nomination for preznit next year, it looks like Flori-DUUH! guv #DeathSantis is into “slitting throats”...(good one about not getting his hands dirty unless it involves pudding...and not to quibble with Cousins, but really, it’s only 45 people since Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms...I think Cousins is completely spot-on with the rest of his commentary, though)...

...and David Doel tells us about CNBC’s Jim Cramer quaking in his metaphorical boots over UAW President Shawn Fain and a potential strike (Cramer remains an unbelievable tool...and more on former UAW head Walter Reuther is here, by the way)...

...and for anybody in Ohio who may be reading this, I would just like to remind you of how important tomorrow’s vote is (more here)...

Update 8/8/23: Sweet! (here, and yeah, I think this about says it).

...and I’m continuing to work my way down the list of summer selections with this tune.

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