Friday, August 04, 2023

Friday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us that the antics of Repug U.S. Senatorial idiot Tommy Tuberville of Alabama arguably just cost that state the Space Force; Mango Mussolini had made the decision to send the SF from Colorado Springs to Huntsville in Tuberville’s state (likely because that state, as you would expect, went for the Gropenfuhrer big time in ’16 and ’20), but it looks like “Dark Brandon” reversed that (more here – Nail. Hammer. Head. commentary from Cousins...”play stupid games, win stupid prizes” indeed...that state could have had Doug Jones instead, but they elected this hammerhead in Jones’s place)...

...and Kyle Kulinski tells us about Tuberville’s “it’s called summer” remark, leading into similar idiocy from U.S. House Repug Steve Scalise and his same-party pal Kevin Cramer of North Dakota in the U.S. Senate...Cramer won a close election because of that last-minute ruling that post office boxes weren’t allowed as acceptable residences for that state’s voters, which ruled out a whole bunch of indigenous folks who would have likely voted for Dem Heidi Heitkamp instead as noted the time the ruling was overturned, the damage was done (I'm pretty sure that's what happened - I'll keep checking)...oh, and it looks like the cretins behind Project 2025 want to boil the planet also, as Kyle tells us...

Update 8/12/23: I said this somewhere else, but I'll say it again here; climate change deniers like Tuberville have blood on their hands for this.

...and speaking of the heat, John and Yasmin Khan tell us that prisons in “the land of the yellow rose” have reached 146 degrees Fahrenheit...but of course “all hat, no cattle” Greg Abbott couldn’t give a fig, just as he doesn’t care about any dead bodies found near his barbed wire in the Rio Grande River (here...and it's likely that at least 271 prisoners have died in Texas jails due to the heat over an approximately 20-year period, as we learn in the clip).

Oh, and being the pointy-headed lib that I am, I feel compelled to mention that such abuse of prisoners runs counter to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; this year marks its 75th anniversary, and of course this country signed off on it (more here and here)...and I realize one problem is that the language, commendable as it is, allows for some legal wiggle room for political weasels like Abbott and his pals...

Update 8/11/23: One more for Abbott's body count (here).

...and I realize this is a recurring theme for Repugs like “It’s Called Summer” Tuberville, but this New York Times report tells us about people down on their luck trying to deal with the baking temperatures in Flori-DUUUH!, focusing on “the city of the Mouse”... “I Feel Like I’m In Hell” is a thoroughly unsurprising sentiment from these folks just trying to survive...

...well, because I want to wrap up this post (and likely the week) with something a little more upbeat, I now bring you the latest form Leeja Miller about Why Unions Will Save America (NSFW/H – she swears like a truck driver, but I believe it’s warranted and I hope YouTube doesn’t ding her for it...the segment starts out by talking about the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strike dealing with potential impact of AI and residuals, particularly for streaming productions...the history of the labor movement is discussed going back to the 1800s – I didn’t know it took 10 freaking years for staffing levels to return to normal at airports after The Sainted Ronnie R broke up PATCO, but yeah, that sure figures...and when the wingnuts scream about union membership, they always talk about public sector unions, which traditionally have lower paying jobs than those in the private sector, but often better benefits to offset that...however, the number of private sector unions, as a result of Reagan giving the signal to his fellow plutocrats that unions were fair game, is now microscopic – GREAT point about the protection of union membership to try and hang onto jobs despite losses due to the pandemic – “without unions, the $$ doesn’t ‘trickle down’ – it coagulates at the very top” indeed...more on the PRO Act is here...I realize I'm probably a month early with this video, but there's always a good time for it IMO)...

...and I would tend to agree that “the heart is the hero” indeed...some on the other side of the political spectrum mistake compassion for weakness, which is their folly as far as I’m concerned...if doing this exercise of mine can somehow benefit a single person versus any damn corporation in existence, then I feel like I’ve accomplished something, and maybe I can build on it to help us all see better times someday.

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