Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Leeja Miller brings us a well-researched clip on How Religious Conservatives Ruined Everything...her lawyerly perspective comes through in an important way as far as I’m concerned when she talks about the free speech cases that got the “fundies” all butt-hurt, particularly on school prayer, leading to the backlash under Falwell and Robertson and encouraged by The Sainted Ronnie R...I’m loathe to give Dubya credit for anything, but at least under his watch, we didn’t get constitutional amendments banning abortion and school prayer, thank God (NSFW/H)...

...and Thom Hartmann discusses some Nazi student at the University of Chicago who somehow managed to shut down a professor who wanted to teach a class about the history of “whiteness”...this loser named Daniel Schmidt basically doxxes the professor and the usual attacks happen, unfortunately, as the wretched jihad against free thought continues in this country (more here...and a backgrounder on the whole "gay wedding website" nonsense that the SCOTUS used as an excuse to destroy protection against discrimination is here)...


...and speaking of Nazis (or Nazi-like behavior at a minimum), Mike Figueredo (definitely not him) of The Humanist Report tells us about sadistic right-wing a-holes celebrating a couple fleeing Flori-DUUH! to protect their trans child...and the U.S. now has to be part of the “rainbow railroad” to get LGBTQ people out of hostile countries (or states at least – also NSFW/H)...

Update: Naaah, that state isn't doing "the big swirl in the hopper"...not much it isn't (here).

...and turning a few degrees west, Cliff Schecter of Blue Amp tells us about Dem U.S. Senator Brian Schatz going after his Repug colleague Tommy Tuberville of Alabama for the latter’s hold on military promotions; interesting theory that Tuberville may be doing this in case, God forbid, a certain Treasonous Orange Pustule managed to worm his way back into An Oval Office so he can see to it that lickspittles who obey 45 only are installed...truly the stuff of nightmares (yet another NSFW/H clip)...

...and Jesse Dollemore brings us the story of this Derrick Van Orden character of Wisconsin who first went nuts over a John Oliver segment about “an LGBT-positive book,” and NOW he’s attacked the congressional pages in the Capitol rotunda for taking a nap (????)...I don’t care if this guy is a former Navy SEAL or not; it sounds like he needs to address his anger issues, but first he needs to f*cking resign from Congress (a little late on the weekend wishes I’ll admit...still another NSFW/H clip)...

...and I know I’m also very late with extending happy 80th birthday wishes to Mick Jagger – I’m sure he had a blast.

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