Saturday, August 12, 2023

Saturday Stuff

Leeja Miller tells us How Philanthropy is Ruining America (interesting) – so many great points, but one of them is how the philanthropy scam (and it is just that in many cases) is really just another means of tax avoidance for the uber-wealthy...didn’t think much about how crooked foundations can be until I watched this, and yeah, they can be sweet deals for family members with the right estate planning...and I’d never heard of ”philanthrocapitalism” until now, truth be told, and I also never thought much before about the importance of mutual aid orgs either, but I can see how important they became during and as a result of the pandemic...of course, the easiest answer is for the rich TO JUST PAY THEIR DAMN TAXES, AND THAT GOES FOR THE POLITICIANS ALSO OF COURSE (NSFW/H)...

...and when it comes to the High Priest, if you will, of scamming people and not paying what he owes, Jesse Dollemore (not him) tells us about Our Treasonous Orange Crapsack attacking the Georgia prosecutor looking to indict him for that infamous phone call to Brad Raffensperger...oh, and #45 made some typically disgusting remark about Biden’s sons...”A sociopath’s stand-up act” indeed, and I’m sure Jesse is totally spot-on about the 2024 elections (and even THIS didn’t satisfy the wingnuts of course)...

...and Beau tells us that the DOJ is looking at another potential area of illegality for the Gropenfuhrer, and that is fundraising after yelling about fraud in the 2020 election, and the “Save America” PAC, with an apparent assist from Bernard Kerik...I had to include this clip to show Beau’s great T-shirt if for no other reason...

...and when it comes to the minions of Dear Leader Fergus Laing, retired Army Major Richard Ojeda (again, definitely not him) informs us that Marjorie Trailer Park Greene’s boyfriend sez there will be a full-scale riot if Trump loses again – so tired of these pitiable life forms braying like sheep to the slaughter...

...and Luke Beasley, sitting in for David Pakman, reminds us of Bo-Bo Boebert taking credit for an infrastructure spending bill she voted against, of course (specifically for wind turbines), along with jabs from “Dark Brandon” at that assclown Tuberville and Mango Mussolini of course, and nice job by Beasley to run down the list of accomplishments from the Biden Administration at the end...good luck trying to get our beyond useless corporate media to pay attention, to see that change somehow (and to do something about Boebert, click here)...

...and here are three more tunes from The Band to conclude my tribute to Robbie Robertson (blistering guitar solo from Robertson on this next number).

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