Saturday, July 15, 2023

Saturday Stuff

This “Against All Enemies” segment from Meidas Touch goes after “Moms for Liberty”; Ken Harbaugh interviews Air Force vet Amanda Weinstein, who is also co-host of the Suburban Women Problem podcast (didn’t know these MFL lunatics were tied to the Oathkeepers and the Proud Boys, but no, that doesn’t surprise me either...more here)...

...and when it comes to threats against American democracy, one of the biggest we face right now IMO is that Republican U.S. Senate idiot Tommy Tuberville, who is the reason why no one is currently in charge of the Marine Corps for the first time in 164 years...

...and turning to a more commercial domestic enemy (less dramatic I’ll admit, but an enemy all the same), it turns out that “Skank of America” was forced to pay $250 million for violating Consumer Financial Protection Bureau law since 2012 by tricking consumers into paying for accounts that they didn’t authorize...and yeah, that amount is chump change compared to what they rake in overall...goes to show once more why the CFPB is an absolutely tremendous federal watchdog agency, largely the brainchild of Elizabeth Warren as Ana and Cenk tell us (Richard Cordray deserves credit as well), and it also shows why the wingnuts absolutely hate the agency so fiercely for looking out for consumers...

...and in this “rogues gallery” post where I end up call out a bunch of bad actors, Mike Figueredo (not him) tells us about the Michigan hairdresser who won’t serve trannies now because of that horrible SCOTUS ruling...I’m tempted to ask when this nonsense will ever end, but I’m not sure it will now...if Monty Python were still around (all the members anyway), they’d probably do a bit with a store owner (in a “creative business” of course) who only serves gay men on every third Tuesday, lesbians on Thursdays if it’s raining, trannies on Mondays at the end of the month in a leap year, Muslims on a Friday if the Thursday before is a full moon, etc...that seems to be where we’re headed with this madness (mildly NSFW/H)...and a bit of karma is here...

...and when it comes to SCOTUS corruption, Jesse Dollemore tells us that just because Sonia Sotomayor is on Team “D,” that doesn’t mean that she should get a pass either; apparently, her staff pressured colleges and universities to buy her books, including one for kids I, this doesn’t rise to Alito or Thomas levels of malfeasance, but as Jesse says, bad is bad, regardless of who we’re talking about...

...and Thom Hartmann gives us a wretched COVID history lesson, with The Lancet saying that 500K people in this country died unnecessarily (Combover Caligula and Wonder Boy Jared thought it would be an effective political strategy to force black and brown people back to work and blame blue states for it of course)...

...and I’m not sure that it gets more ridiculous than it does with this story about the Trump-themed burger restaurant in Texas of course, as Ben Gleib tells us...because early onset diabetes and a cholesterol count through the ceiling is what freedumb is all about, you godless commie lib!...

...and here’s another summer tune to ease us into the weekend...please be careful in the heat.

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