Monday, July 10, 2023

Monday Stuff

David Pakman brings us the video of the loony bitch in South Carolina who sez Biden should be “taken to the train station,” and she is just chortling over that apparently, along with these other mental defectives in the Trump cult including that 11-year-old girl...yeah, I don’t like saying that about a kid either, but what other conclusion is there?...

...and David Doel tells us about Ron #DeathSantis of Flori-DUUH! and his “war on woke” tanking, along with the latest anti-trans TYT nonsense, with Ana and Cenk getting PO’ed at “trans activists” for supposedly doing their part in losing elections, when in fact, as Doel points out, attacking trans people most definitely was NOT a winning strategy for the “party of Lincoln” based on last year’s midterms...I didn’t see the whole TYT clip, I must confess...sad to see that platform building such a great brand and now apparently burning it all down, though I may have some videos from them in the future, but not if they’re going to find ways to work in BS propaganda (and GREAT advice by Doel on why the utterly clueless national Dems should focus on Gen-Z voters, instead of these mythical boomer unicorn Repug-leaning disillusioned Trumpsters in an Ohio diner somewhere)...

...and Mike Figueredo discusses gay conservatives who feel betrayed by #DeathSantis...and why the #@$! would a gay person support this guy to begin with, I ask myself (a little lost in the back-and-forth between all of the groups noted in this clip, I have to add) – to me, this is yet another issue where the national Democratic Party should show a freaking spine and say, “You know what? We’re against ANY group of people being oppressed for ANY made-up reason, and we unequivocally support LGBTQ rights for that reason.” – and yes, I know individual pols like Tammy Baldwin are commendably doing that (also, I can think of no group that has a more apropos acronym than GAG, as Figueredo sez)...OK, I’ll stop beat up Dems in this post now...NSFW/H...

...and Jesse Dollemore brings us a great example of pushing back on BS wingnut talking points from Abby Phillip of CNN against this John Pierce character, who apparently represented a 1/6 miscreant named Kenneth Thomas who (as the clip tells us) was found guilty for his criminal antics...

...and I’ll admit that Lawrence O’Donnell is a bit ponderous here in his clip on the fall of our criminal SCOTUS, citing a "crisis of faith," but I think he makes some truly important points and provides vital historical context (and Elena Kagan, in particular, pulled no punches in her dissent on the student debt relief ruling, nor should she of course)...

...and it looks like there’s a bit of legal difficulty involved in settling the estate of the “queen of soul” based on this – hope it gets worked out for all concerned.

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