Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Wednesday Stuff

Ayman Mohyeldin of MSNBC speaks with Texas congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher, sponsor of the Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act (passed with 3 Repug votes including Bri-Fi); they both also discuss the Women’s Health Protection Act which received no Republican support at all, which would allow the Feds the right to supersede these horrible state bills banning abortion and also try to prevent women and young girls from traveling to other states to receive the health care they need (more Bri-Fi voted to support abortions as part of health care, though he voted against overriding these ridiculous state laws with federal legislation, which basically means that this is another symbolic gesture at send Bri-Fi packing this fall, click here...I'm pretty sure that my analysis here is correct, but if I find anything to indicate otherwise, I'll update this post, and I couldn't find anything on Bri-Fi's home page on this)...

...and I don’t have a clue as to what the political future holds for Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, but I DO know that he continually does a terrific job sparring with wingnuts on behalf of his boss’s administration and, by extension, for the people of this country; here, he gives Repug U.S. House wingnut Troy Nehls exactly the treatment he deserves, and Scott Perry (who sought a pardon from Mango Mussolini, let’s not forget) is only slightly better (Brian Tyler Cohen explains...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and I also know we don’t want to get too preoccupied with the fall elections yet, though they are coming and we all have work to do, but Farron Cousins tells us that the weapons industry has already spent $10.2 mil for both parties and received an ungodly return on investment, with a defense budget that is approaching $1 trillion...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us that – whoopsie! – all of a sudden, the Secret Service can’t find a whole bunch of texts related to the treasonous 1/6 insurrection, which is breaking federal law actually (not finding this info I mean)...

...and Robert Reich tells us How Big Companies Do Their Worst To Try and Bust Unions (more here, and when it comes to our corporate media giving #46 the credit he deserves and failing to do so, I would ask that you keep this in mind...apparently, if our news orgs with initials for names as well as Fix Noise aren’t complaining, such as when it comes to the baby formula shortage...which wasn’t Biden’s fault either...I guess that means that the problem is solved; Heaven forbid that Biden actually get any credit...a related item is here)...

...and I usually include this summer selection before this point in the year, but it definitely applies today and for the rest of the week in these parts...please be careful and look in on anyone elderly or infirmed that you may know, as well as kids who may fall ill, since they’re particularly at risk at times like this.

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