Thursday, July 21, 2022

Thursday Stuff

(I honestly tried to get this done before the January 6th Committee hearing, but no bad.)

Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins tell us about that recent horrible SCOTUS ruling on the environment (here...hard to keep track of all of their awful rulings I'll admit), which could have even worse ripple effects involving other government regulatory agencies...oh swell (and it sounds like the “major question doctrine” is the latest insane wingnut talking point to try and gut governmental protections we’ve taken for granted – can I book my shuttle to Mars now to go live somewhere else? Oh, and this goofy doctrine will only apply in “major question cases,” huh? Just like Bush v. Gore would never be cited as a precedent involving electoral cases again – suurrre...I thought the end game for this SCOTUS was destroying privacy protections, but after watching this and reading this article about all of the wingnut love for Viktor Orban of Hungary, I’m beginning to think that their REAL end game using the "shadow docket" is the end of representative democracy, with rulings like this basically rendering a democratically elected government helpless)...

...and speaking of Republican insanity, this nut job named Michael Peroutka apparently recently won the Repug nomination for Attorney General in Maryland, with Peroutka being a known white supremacist and pro-Confederacy advocate (mad that MD wasn’t allowed to secede during the Civil War...terrific...and oh yeah, Peroutka seems to be mad at “coastal states”...what the hell do you think Maryland is, you moron? John Iadarola and Jessica Burbank provide commentary...and I think Burbank’s right, unfortunately, about this country’s descent into fascism, carried out in a slow-motion fashion under the radar of our clueless news orgs with initials for names, but again, we certainly can fight back, being the descendants of people who definitely weren’t fearful...if they were, this country wouldn’t exist at all)...

...and one way to fight back is to do all we can to elect Democrats and to bug the living hell out of them until they do what we want; however, if (God willing) John Fetterman is sent to “the world’s greatest deliberative body,” I don’t think we’ll have that problem...this Meidas Touch ad against Fetterman’s opponent Mehmet Oz (which apparently broke the Internet) is one of the best political ads I’ve ever help Fetterman, click here...

...and when it comes to those really calling the shots in our thoroughly rigged corpocracy, Thom Hartmann asks How Do We Take On the 27 Oligarchs? (about billionaires drowning out the voices of everyday Americans, spending $1.2 billion in 2020 on that election cycle, hastened of course by the SCOTUS decisions of Buckley v. Valeo and Bellotti in the ‘70s and Citizens United of course and McCutcheon in our era...billionaires contributed nearly 1 out of every 10 dollars in the ‘20 election cycle according to Hartmann – to say that’s waaaay out of whack is as huge of an understatement as anyone can imagine – and yes, let’s not forget about the “For The People” Act...if we hold the House and build on our Senate majority this fall, this definitely can happen, people!)...

...and as long as we’re on the subject of standing up and making our voices heard, this More Perfect Union clip tells us that animators on “The Simpsons,” “Family Guy” and ”American Dad” (who aren’t covered by unions already in shop) are fighting for unionization for themselves, which they’re more than entitled to...

...and sticking with humor, RIP Sean Kelly of National Lampoon, lyricist who wrote for the stage play Lemmings and who also wrote for Saturday Night Live for a time.

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