Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Tuesday Stuff

This Reuters report tells us about Apple workers at a store in Towson, MD who voted to unionize as part of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers as noted here; even though this definitely is positive news, there is much further to go in this process, but for now, kudos...

...and in another triumph of people power, leftist Gustavo Petro was recently elected president of the traditionally conservative South American nation of Colombia, echoing what has taken place in Chile, Peru and Honduras, as David Doel tells us (gee, wouldn't it be a good thing if the political party in this country that often, but not always, represents the will of the majority of the U.S. voters expresed solidarity with these results? Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen, though)...

@DNC @DCCC @DSCC @harrisonjaime

Update 6/22/22: And as long as I’m trying to contact the alleged Democratic Party “brain trust,” I feel like I have to ask the following:

Why is it that this political party overall continues to be SO BAD when it comes to social media engagement?

I mean, there are exceptions, such as U.S. House Dem Bill Pascrell, who, to his credit IMO, continues to remind people about legislation to help the vast majority of this country that continues to be almost universally opposed by the “party of Lincoln.” And actually, Nancy Pelosi, believe it or not, does not too bad of a job of reminding people what the Dems have done and why they deserve our support (I have other issues with Pelosi, but it’s no contest when it comes to her vs. Chuck Schumer, for example, on this stuff). AOC is probably the best of everyone on the “D” team in this department, and she also understands what kind of game the Repugs are playing in this arena.

On the other side, though, whenever any Repug politician is cutting a blue ribbon somewhere or giving an award to a boy scout troop, or even bloviating about their own legislation, there is usually a YouTube video or a tweet about it. But when it comes to finding something similar to that regarding legislation supported by congressional Democrats...well, good luck trying to find that (and yes, I’ve tried).

One of the reasons why Dems lose in the midterms is because they wait entirely too damn long to engage the voters they need to turn out on Election Day. You need CONSTANT ONLINE ENGAGEMENT. If you wait until a few months before the election...well, that’s just too damn late. The other side has had plenty of time to cement their utterly BS narratives in the minds of the voters by then.

I know this is “tilting at windmills” once again, but every so often, I feel like I have to engage in this exercise anyway.

...and John and Francesca of The Damage Report discuss that totally bonkers Eric Greitens RINO ad...I just had the Meidas Touch video from the conservative who’s telling everybody with ears to hear that the wingnuts are getting lied to and ginned up to vote against their own interests, and an ad like this is Exhibit A – I’d much rather spend my time at this site, to be honest, dealing with content closer to the first two videos, but we need to pay attention to the utter lunacy from the other side I realize – that’s one of the reasons why I admit that I’m not keeping up with the 1/6 Commission hearings; I’m not saying they’re not important and the Dems along with Cheney and Kinzinger aren’t doing great work (they are) and we shouldn’t pay attention (we should), but other people with keener insight on that stuff than I have can comment on it in a better way than I can...

...and this clip from More Perfect Union tells us that the land of Ron #DeathSantis saw a 29% increase in rent since the beginning of ’22, though, to their credit, there has been a people-powered movement on this issue in Miami-Dade...somebody should ask Johnny Harris if he actually has anything to say about that since it’s in a red state and doesn’t give him the chance to bitch about libs (here)...

...and sticking with The Sunshine State, Farron Cousins (based in FLA) tells us that the Log Cabin Republicans (I can’t think of a more abused political organization in this country, and they continually bring it upon themselves) were recently thrown out of another event (and I’m sure you’ll never guess that this happened in “the land of the yellow rose,” right?)...

...and I have some belated birthdays to get to, and here’s a big one; we just celebrated Sir Paul’s 80th, and I’d like to wish the same for Brian Wilson who recently hit the same milestone.

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