Monday, June 20, 2022

Monday Stuff

This Meidas Touch clip features a guy who bought into conservative dogma, but has since “come into the light” (yes, “they all lied” indeed...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and The Lincoln Project presents the following for the Juneteenth holiday...

...and this Now This clip tells us about “pockets of towns” founded by African Americans, particularly after emancipation following The Civil War...

...and I should note that I checked out on “Real Time With Bill Maher” awhile back, but to her great credit, Krystal Ball brought some “truth bombs” to the discussion with Maher and this wingnut nematode named James Kirchick recently (yeah, pretty unbelievable all right that this alleged politics expert like Maher somehow didn’t know about the market crash of March 2020 as noted here...and Maher is such a tool for talking over Ball the way he did...and to think of all the time I once wasted paying attention to his program...NSFW/H)...

...and I know I’ve fallen behind a bit on my Second Thought videos, so I now present this one about how the E.U. has created “The world’s deadliest border,” namely the Mediterranean Sea...I have to admit that I’d never heard of Frontex (“The whole of the E.U. stands behind...”) and Fabrice Leggeri or the controversy surrounding the company – I’d also never heard of the “Schengen Area”...and I’m a little surprised that he didn’t find a way to mention climate change as something that encourages mass migration of people often seeking to leave third-world countries, but that’s a little tangential to his main point I know – good point at the end that, aside for reasons of basic human decency, we need to support emigres and not have them taken advantage of for financial reasons out of our own economic self-interest also...

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us about the corrupt health care industry in this country continuing to rake in huge amounts of $$ out of 100 million people in medical debt...God almighty (Cenk lays into Pelosi and Biden on this issue, and I have to admit that I’m there for it...yep, definitely points out why we need a public option at a minimum)...

...and speaking of health care, I now give you the latest installment of “The Day In Doomsy History” from 6/20/ you I’m sure, I’m reading and hearing a lot of people predicting a Republican takeover of Congress this fall, which would be awful though I still think there’s time to prevent that of course and there’s something all of us can do, and I have to admit that I don’t know what the latest numbers me, it all comes down to independent voters, who, for my money, are uninformed idiots for the most part, which doesn’t fill me with confidence...anyway, this clip from Kyle Kulinski (someone else I haven’t paid much attention to for awhile because I think his takes are mostly trash anymore) tells us what happened the last time the “party of Lincoln” called the shots on Capitol Hill and they tried to pass an utter joke of a “health care” bill...we would do well to keep this in mind for the fall elections (NSFW/H)...

...and this took place 55 years ago last Saturday.

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